CT&T Concrete Paving Inc.
Requesting sub-bids from the following qualified firms: DBE for the following project.
- Post ID: 197551
ADA Curb Ramps and Path of Travel- Citywide (FY 21-22)
Project Information
Bid Date: 09/07/2023 - 3:00 PM
DBE Proposal Due Date: 09/07/2023 - 2:30 PM
Owner (Agency): City of Pomona
Number (Agency): City Project No. 428-67934, Federal Project No. CRRSAAFL-5070(043)
County: Los Angeles
Location: Pomona, CA, USA
Contact Information
Name: Jose Carvajal
Phone: 9096298000
Fax: 9096298001
Website: n/a
Address: Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Advertised DBE Scope of Work
Where to find the plans & specs?
Plans and specs are available for review at our office or sent electronically upon request. All bids can be faxed to (909) 629-8001 or emailed to bidinfo@cttconcretepaving.com. Plans and specs may also be downloaded from the City of Pomona Planetbids Portal.
All quotes shall be in accordance with project plans, specifications, and valid for the entire length of the contract.
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