Police Department Parking Lot Reconfiguration
Scope of Services The scope of work generally consists of modifying the existing police department parking lot at 99 Fair
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Scope of Services The scope of work generally consists of modifying the existing police department parking lot at 99 Fair
Scope of Services. One or more Firm(s) will be selected to be part of the District’s pool of architects for
SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services includes, but is not limited to, the following: Design/Pre-Construction Services Required: Review design
Scope of Work: Conversion of Two Tennis Courts into Eight (8) Pickleball Courts Project Overview This project involves converting two
The City of Palo Alto, Purchasing and Contract Administration, on behalf of the Public Works Department, Regional Water Quality Control
Project Description: This project generally consists of grinding and paving asphalt concrete dugouts, crack seal, traffic control, storm water pollution
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