As-Needed HVAC Maintenance and Repair for Metropolitan’s Gene Pumping Pump Plant Housing
Scope of Services As-needed HVAC maintenance and repair services for Metropolitan’s Gene Pumping Plant Housing. For public works projects not
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Scope of Services As-needed HVAC maintenance and repair services for Metropolitan’s Gene Pumping Plant Housing. For public works projects not
Scope of Services The work consists of temporary and permanent traffic control services and the necessary traffic control devices, personnel
Description of Work: The Project generally involves repair of the two cavity sinkholes on the northern bridge-approach of the Lincoln
SCOPE OF SERVICES The selected consultant is expected to provide the following services: Assistance with Newark Days: Contractor will assist
Scope of Services Fairview Road is a 6-lane Major Arterial with raised center medians and with Class 2 bicycle lanes
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The New Moorpark City Library is proposed as a new 17,500 sf single story building. The project includes
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