Routine Mowing Services
Scope of Work DATES OF SERVICE: April 15th to September 30th (Typical – Dates may be adjusted with permission). Contractor
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Scope of Work DATES OF SERVICE: April 15th to September 30th (Typical – Dates may be adjusted with permission). Contractor
SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services includes the operation, monitoring and maintenance (OM&M) services of the two primary systems
THIS PROJECT INCLUDE: William Orr ES – Phase 1 STEM & Kindergarten Building
The project will rehabilitate approximately 17,972 feet of existing corroded 10-inch through 30-inch diameter non-reinforced concrete pipe (NRCP), reinforced concrete
Scope of Services. The CONSULTANT shall perform the PROFESSIONAL SERVICES as set forth in the written Scope of Services, attached
SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of work required under the terms of this Informal RFP will include providing the necessary
If you have any questions, use the green Live Chat button on the lower right side of the screen. Please be sure to include either the Post Id or the Project Name as reference.