Citrus Avenue Parking Structure Maintenance and Repairs
Scope of Services Maintenance and repair of the Citrus Avenue Parking Structure. Methods include but are not limited to maintenance
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Scope of Services Maintenance and repair of the Citrus Avenue Parking Structure. Methods include but are not limited to maintenance
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Conejo Valley Unified School District of Ventura County, California, acting by and through its Governing
Scope of Services In general, the work consists of providing traffic signal maintenance services, streetlight maintenance services, communications, lighting systems,
Project Description: Resurface the entire synthetic athletic track with a new synthetic track surface and striping. Remove asphalt pavement in
The work shall consist of rehabilitation of 5 manholes, 3 lift station wet wells, and 19 pipe segments and includes
Scope of Services SBMWD is seeking to procure furniture, fixtures, and equipment, for the new SBMWD Administration facility. The qualified
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