Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant (DCTWRP) Maintenance and Warehouse Facility Replacement
GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK FOR CIP 6195. Work In This Contract: Work in this Contract includes all labor, materials and
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GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK FOR CIP 6195. Work In This Contract: Work in this Contract includes all labor, materials and
SCOPE OF WORK: Installation, testing, service and maintenance of systems utilizing the transmission and/or transference of voice, sound, vision and
– Scope of services The selected consultants will primarily support Agency staff with the review of drainage studies for various
SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and utility and transportation services, and perform and
Scope of Work Project Overview: Direct installation heat pump water heater program for low-income households near Russell City Energy Center
PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES Respondents to the RFQ/P shall be familiar with the process of developing an LHMP for a
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