Projects for Anaheim, City of

  1. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Residential Streets Improvement Project Beth-Jackson – Group 17.. The project reference number is RCP2024-22306 with a bid deadline on 10/24/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 6000000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be done consists of rehabilitating the roadway by removing and reconstructing asphalt concrete, sidewalks, driveway approaches, curb & gutters, preservation of survey monuments, installation of striping, pavement markings, and repainting curbs as well as the adjustments and replacement of Public Utilities (Water Valve Boxes, Sewer Manholes, Etc.), and all appurtenant work as shown on the plans and delineated in the specifications entitled “Residential Streets Improvement Project Beth-Jackson – Group 17.”

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Lorenzo Rea (714) 765-6893

  2. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Knollwood Circle Sewer Improvements Project. The project reference number is RCP# 2019-15468 with a bid deadline on 10/24/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 4139000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The sewer improvement project (Project) described herein consists of the installation of new 18-inch and 21-inch sewer line in Knollwood Circle as well as in a new 15-foot sewer easement through 1201 N Magnolia Ave and 1200 N Knollwood Circle. The work incudes installation of new sewer manholes, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk replacement, and pavement rehabilitation and all appurtenant work necessary for the proper construction of the proposed improvements. The goal of this project is to address a sewer deficiency that was identified as part of the Western Anaheim Sanitary Sewer Master Plan Study.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Yvonne Dake-Okewole 714-765-4913

  3. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, RFP – Crescent, Broadview, & Victoria Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project. The project reference number is RCP No. 2024-22274 with a bid deadline on 10/24/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Nature of Work: The City of Anaheim (City) is seeking a consultant to provide options and recommendations for the best solution for the following Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project as shown in Exhibit A. RCP No. 2024-22274: Crescent Broadview Victoria Sanitary Sewer Improvement

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Yvonne Dake-Okewole / 714-765-4913

  4. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, SC 800 ASPHALT (COLD MIX). The project reference number is 9830 with a bid deadline on 10/24/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services To provide SC 800 Asphalt listed in the eBid Line Items per the RFB specifications, terms and conditions.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Marcos Gutierrez 714-765-5207

  5. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, CNG COMPRESSOR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES. The project reference number is 9826 with a bid deadline on 10/23/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The City of Anaheim desires the services of a qualified Contractor to provide monthly maintenance services and as-needed repairs of an ANGI CNG Packaged Skid consisting of two (2) Ariel JGQ/2 CNG Compressors, as well Gas Dryers and all Dispensing Equipment and Controls, per bid specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Maira Quezada 714-765-5218

  6. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, FIRE STATION NO. 12. The project reference number is RCP2024-22060; BLD2024-01927; GRA2024-03949; WQMP2024-01512 with a bid deadline on 10/24/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 14375000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The Department of Public Works is advertising for a new Fire Station (#12) located in Anaheim’s Platinum Triangle adjacent to the Angel Stadium of Anaheim. The City of Anaheim owns an approximately 1.42-acre property located at 1822 S. State College Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92806, upon which the new fire station will be constructed. The project involves construction of two new buildings; the main building is approximately 10,400 square feet and houses the primary response apparatus, dormitories, and administrative offices; and the auxiliary building is approximately 2,222 square feet and will stage standby equipment, covered parking for two ambulance units, and will display Anaheim’s oldest antique response apparatus. A new fueling station with canopy and generator will also be installed at the southeast side of the site. Other site work will be required to complete facility.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Joel Jordan/714 765-5052

  7. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Banner Fabrication. The project reference number is 9827 with a bid deadline on 10/08/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    City of Anaheim is seeking competitive bids from qualified banner fabricators to establish an annual agreement for the fabrication of banners for designated locations within the Anaheim Resort Maintenance District (ARMD) as listed in the eBid Line Items per bid specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Maira Rodriguez, Buyer II

  8. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Anaheim Resort Safety Bollards Project – Phase II. The project reference number is RCP2022-20548 with a bid deadline on 10/10/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 871000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be undertaken consists of the installation of safety bollards at the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Disney Way Area. The work includes installation of bollards, bollard frames, ADA compliant access ramps, sidewalk, curb and gutter, conduit, pull boxes, minor utility relocations, fencing, and all appurtenant work necessary for the proper construction of the proposed improvements, in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents. The goal of this project is to provide for additional safety and security for pedestrians at the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and East Shuttle Area.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Cesar Morales 714-765-5286

  9. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Remove and Replace the Readerboard Led System at the Anaheim Convention Center. The project reference number is 9828 with a bid deadline on 10/14/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services City of Anaheim desires the services of a qualified contractor to remove and recycle (dispose) of the two existing LED displays located at the Anaheim Convention Center and replace them with a new complete LED display system. Vendor must provide everything necessary including, but not limited to labor for system set-up, materials, supplies, parts, tools, equipment, full service warranty and the like required to perform and complete the required work per the request for proposal specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Ariana Hernandez 714-765-4543

  10. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, SERRANO AVENUE from West City Limit to Weir Canyon Road STREET REHABILITATION. The project reference number is RCP # 2024-21672 with a bid deadline on 09/26/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    WORK DESCRIPTION The work consists of, but not limited to rehabilitating the roadway by removing and reconstructing asphalt concrete, sidewalks, access ramps, curb & gutters, pavement markings, repainting curbs, and all appurtenant work as shown on the plans and delineated in the specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Jason Thiem (714) 765 – 5100

  11. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Request for Proposal (RFP) for Graffiti Abatement Services. The project reference number is 20240829-01 with a bid deadline on 09/26/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF REQUESTED SERVICES The Services will consist of the Contractor’s furnishing, installing, and maintaining approved graffiti abatement measures on APU’s equipment. The Services will include various locations as determined by APU on an as-needed basis and shall be completed by the Contractor within two weeks for new installations and within three days for maintenance items upon receiving the notification from APU. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment, and any other services necessary to complete the Services, which will include but not be limited to: Field visit, measure, prepare graphic art for approval by Anaheim, furnish, imprint, prep cabinet, and install vinyl wrap on pad-mounted and aboveground equipment. Install APU equipment tags as furnished and directed by Anaheim. Remove artificial ivy from existing pad-mounted equipment. All material shall be supplied by Contractor. Maintain and repair vinyl wrap on pad-mounted equipment. All material shall be supplied by Contractor.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Steven Chagolla

  12. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Remove and Replace Surveillance Cameras. The project reference number is 9824 with a bid deadline on 09/18/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    City of Anaheim desires the services of a qualified Contractor to remove and dispose of surveillance cameras located at the Anaheim Convention Center and replace them with new surveillance cameras per Exhibit A-Specifications and Scope of Work

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Ariana Hernandez, Buyer II

  13. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Dale Avenue Rehabilitation Project from Ball Road to Orange Avenue. The project reference number is 2024-21816 with a bid deadline on 09/05/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 1765179. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work consists of rehabilitating the roadway by removing and reconstructing the asphalt concrete pavement; replacing damaged curb and gutter, driveways and sidewalk; constructing new handicap curb access ramps; replacing existing traffic striping and markings; adjusting or reconstructing utility manholes and valve covers to new grade; and all additional work necessary to properly construct the proposed improvements, in accordance with contract documents. The street name and the limits are follows:

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Marco Bravo / (714) 765-5251

  14. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Ball Road and Disneyland Drive Traffic Signal Modification. The project reference number is RCP2020-17603 with a bid deadline on 09/05/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 767000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be done consists of installing lane designation blank-out signs on approach and at the intersection, installing new traffic signal poles, the adjustment of traffic signal pull boxes to grade, the removal of traffic striping, traffic signal modification and all additional work necessary to properly construct the proposed improvements, in accordance with the contract documents. The goal of this project is to allow the City to modify the traffic signal operations to safely address traffic delays and vehicle queuing at the intersection during peak periods.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Adrian Rodriguez 714-765-5044 or Cesar Morales 714-765-5286 or

  15. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Rio Vista Park Improvements (RE-BID). The project reference number is GRA2023-03872, BLD2023-01970, BLD2023-02105(demo plan); UWM2023-00030 with a bid deadline on 09/12/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 1605931. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and construction documents. The general items of work include; demolition of existing restroom building, adjacent hardscape and construction of a 949 SF new restroom building, 687 SF shade structure and site improvements, including landscape, decomposed granite paving, a drinking fountain, picnic tables, litter receptacles, concrete path to provide access to the restroom and park facilities.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    John Martin 714-765-5157

  16. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Arena Door Replacements. The project reference number is 9813 with a bid deadline on 08/16/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services City of Anaheim (City) is seeking the services of a licensed contractor to replace 34 doors at the Anaheim Convention Center Arena.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Ariana Hernandez 714-765-4543,

  17. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Escalator Step Replacement for the Anaheim Convention Center. The project reference number is 9814 with a bid deadline on 08/16/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services City of Anaheim is seeking a licensed C-11 elevator vendor to remove, furnish, and install escalator steps at the Anaheim Convention Center ESCALATOR 1 &2, per the bid specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Ariana Hernandez 714-765-4543,

  18. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Firing Range Maintenance, Cleaning and Hazardous Waste Disposal. The project reference number is 9815 with a bid deadline on 08/14/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The City of Anaheim desires the services of a qualified contractor to provide firing range bullet trap and target retrieval system services, firing range cleaning and hazardous waste disposal per the attached Specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Esther Robles 714-765-4093

  19. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Catch Basin Screen Installation Project – Phase 4. The project reference number is RCP2024-22093 with a bid deadline on 08/15/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work consists of retrofitting approximately 309 existing storm water catch basins citywide with Connector Pipe Screen (CPS) units, full capture trash baskets (baskets), and automatic retractable screens (ARS), to improve removal of pollutants entering the water system. The project work includes, but is not limited to, survey and measurements of all catch basin locations, fabrication of the CPS trash capture devices, baskets, ARS trash capture devices, traffic control and installation of the CPS devices, and all other work as shown on the plans and delineated in the specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Michelle Lee / 714-765-4922

  20. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Connectors, and Electrical Materials. The project reference number is 9811 with a bid deadline on 07/26/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The City of Anaheim (“City”) is soliciting bids for Connectors and Electrical Material, Per the RFB document specifications, eBid line items, and Terms & Conditions.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    John Vasquez 714-765-5216

  21. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Water Quality and Environmental Laboratory Testing, Analysis, and Reporting Services. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 08/13/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    APU seeks a qualified environmental testing laboratory to perform analyses for some regulated parameters such as Radiological, Organic, Disinfection by Products, and Taste and Odor Compounds. APU also requires as-needed environmental testing, analyzing, and reporting services for APU’s Environmental Services section.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    RFP Facilitator:
    Candice Espinoza

  22. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Chemical & Maintenance Services: Pearson Park Pool & Water Features. The project reference number is 9812 with a bid deadline on 08/12/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The City of Anaheim is seeking a qualified professional C53 Swimming Pool or C-61 & D-35 Pool and Spa Maintenance License contractor to provide regular maintenance services on its swimming pool, pool heater, water features, and other related equipment. This service will ensure the pool will receive the proper chemical control, is monitored by a qualified contractor, and is safe for continual use and that the pool maintains proper temperature. The pool is about 105’x 65’, holds about 246,562 gallons of water, and is operated with Lochinvar Swimming Pool Heater (AQUAS XPN1502), EPD High Rate Sand Filtration System, two (2) Concept Plus pumps and a BECS Chemical Control system (BECCSys7).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Ariana Hernandez

  23. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, ACC North — Lighting Control Modifications. The project reference number is BLD2023-04110 with a bid deadline on 08/01/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 825000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Furnish all materials, provide all equipment & labor to install, construct & commission the various components of the lighting control system and supporting Wifi network…

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Heather Fuller 714-765-5176

  24. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, CIP – 2024 Sports Courts – Construction Project. The project reference number is WO194815.1R with a bid deadline on 07/25/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be undertaken at Chaparral Park, John Marshall Park, Pearson Park, and Ross Park consists of resurfacing, repairing, and painting basketball and tennis courts.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Katherine Moncrief / 714-765-6890

  25. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Enterprise Phone System Replacement. The project reference number is 106-FIN-05-20-2024 with a bid deadline on 07/18/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services To replace our existing phone system with a new Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution. This will include labor, materials, equipment, software/licensing, support, training, installation/configuration, maintenance, and project management necessary to implement a hosted/cloud-based solution.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Lorri Watson / 714-765-5231

  26. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Haskett Library – Makerspace Tenant Improvement. The project reference number is WO# 146857 with a bid deadline on 06/20/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be undertaken at Haskett consists of opening walls to create a larger working space, upgrading the ceiling tile grid, improving spatial climate control, and other common tenant improvement aspects. Additionally, work includes pulling more power to operate new equipment for community use such as: CNC machine, 3-D printers, and a recording studio.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Jon Leggett - 714-765-6803

  27. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Design-Build Master Agreement for Electric Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Projects. The project reference number is 20240516 with a bid deadline on 06/17/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Work Order Packages awarded under this Program will include, but not be limited to the design, upgrade, construction, alteration, and repair of new and existing Electric Transmission (69 kV-220 kV), Electric Distribution up to 15 kV, and Substation systems and facilities throughout the City. Specific work may include, but not be limited to abandon, repair, relocate, replace, and install ductbanks / conduits, manholes, vaults, utility poles, underground, padmount and overhead high voltage electrical apparatus (conductors, transformers, switches, capacitors, automation, breakers, switchgears, instrument transformers, battery system, protection relays, substation and distribution automation systems, etc.). Work and services required of the Design-Builder will include design, construction, and commissioning of a project, in which the Design-Builder will provide all management, supervision, labor, services, temporary facility, equipment, material, tools, supplies, and the wherewithal needed to complete the scope of the Work Order Package.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Contact Info
    Samantha Bahena/714-765-4937

  28. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, MASTER AGREEMENT FOR PAVEMENT DELINEATION MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, CONSTRUCTION, ASSESSMENT, AND IMMEDIATE RESPONSE. The project reference number is 20240509 with a bid deadline on 05/30/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the NIB. Summary:

    Scope of Services Pavement delineation, striping, legends, traffic control

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Contact Info
    Patrick Kelley 714-765-6935

  29. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, MASTER AGREEMENT FOR SEWER, STORM DRAIN AND PUMP STATION CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND IMMEDIATE RESPONSE. The project reference number is 20240509-1 with a bid deadline on 05/30/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the NIB. Summary:

    Scope of Services Sewer, storm drain, and pump station maintenance, construction, repairs, immediate response. on-call, work order contract.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Contact Info
    Patrick Kelley 714-765-6935

  30. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, 2024 MASTER AGREEMENT FOR FACILITY MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, REPLACEMENT AND IMMEDIATE RESPONSE SERVICES. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 06/06/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The scope of work for the Master Agreement for Public Works Fleet & Facility Services shall include maintenance, repair, replacement, and immediate response services for the identified Categories at various locations throughout the City of Anaheim.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    David Nguyen 714-412-8844

  31. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, LA PALMA PARKWAY PROMENADE & SWAN STREET IMPROVEMENTS (RE-BID. The project reference number is RCP2022-20230 with a bid deadline on 06/06/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 3960000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The project will convert North La Palma Parkway, from a two-way street, into a one-way tree-lined, pedestrian and bicycle friendly green corridor. Improvements on Swan Street include new shade trees, drought-tolerant plantings, flow through planters and drought-tolerant plantings. The project will not only enhance the pedestrian / vehicular / user experience in and around La Palma Park, but will also improve access to recreation, promote environmental stewardship, and improve pedestrian safety and connectivity throughout the area.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: Annie Singhal, Contracts Specialist
    (714) 765-5272 /

  32. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, ACC North — Lighting Control Modifications. The project reference number is BLD2023-04110 with a bid deadline on 05/30/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 825000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Furnish all materials, provide all equipment & labor to install, construct & commission the various components of the lighting control system and supporting Wifi network…

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Caster D. Williams 714-470-2342

  33. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Landscape Maintenance Services: East City Areas. The project reference number is 9790 with a bid deadline on 07/09/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services To provide Landscape Maintenance Services for East City Areas, per Bid specifications, terms and conditions.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Maira Rodriguez 714-765-5218

  34. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Kraemer Power Plant Demolition Project. The project reference number is RCP2023-03851 with a bid deadline on 06/13/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 2400000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work consists of demolition of a 50 MW gas turbine power plant, grading and installation of new electrical service and new lighting and other related work.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Annie Singhal 714-765-5272

  35. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, 2024 Master Agreement for Park Facility Imrovements, Maintenance, Demolition, Repair, Replacement, and Emergency Response Services. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 05/24/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The City of Anaheim (City) invites licensed Contractor (Contractor or Contractors) to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for a Master Construction Agreement for On-call, As-Needed, Park Facility Improvements, Maintenance, Demolition, Repair, Replacement, and Emergency Response Services (Master Agreement) and requests to receive such SOQs via electronic mail by the due date and time specified in this notice.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    All questions, requests for information, or clarification shall be made in writing via the
    PlanetBids Portal. Questions
    received after the deadline on Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 2:00pm will not be answered.

  36. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, ACC North Pony Chiller Installation. The project reference number is BLD 2023-03843 with a bid deadline on 05/02/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 750000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Accept care, custody & control of & install 1 skid mounted 150 Ton Pony Chiller & associated piping, electrical, structural, roofing repair, programming, testing, commissioning, aesthetic restoration, etc…

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Caster D. Williams (714) 765-4778

  37. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Little Pine Park Project. The project reference number is BLD2023-01459; GRA2022-03817; RCP2023-20563; SGN2023-00032; UWM2022-00109 with a bid deadline on 05/02/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 676319. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Department of Public Works is advertising for a new park named ‘Little Pine Park’. The project site is currently a narrow, long, and vacant lot nestled within a residential neighborhood south of Broadway, on W. Bellevue Drive adjacent to the I-5 freeway approximately half acre in size. Improvements to this location include but are not limited to, a children/exploration area, exercise equipment, decomposed granite fitness loop, shade trees, landscaping & irrigation, picnic/game tables, benches, drinking fountain/bottle filler, block wall, monument sign, sidewalk, security lighting, art, and other park amenities.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Joel Jordan/(714) 231-8368

  38. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, On-call Demolition Contractors. The project reference number is COMDEV_DEMORFQ_2024 with a bid deadline on 04/26/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the NIB. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES This work will consist of demolishing and removing buildings ; block walls, landscaping and hardscape; recycling, capping and removing sewer laterals; disconnecting and capping utility services; installation, removal or relocation of fences or gates or appurtenant improvements; erosion and sediment control protection from run-off by implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) as required by law; removal and disposal of asbestos-containing building materials, universal waste, and lead-based paint; application of weed killer, spreading of wood chips, and providing dust control; and, immediate response services; deconstruction, recycling and removal of buildings and appurtenant improvements on various properties throughout the city. This work will also consist of the removal and disposal of lead-based paint, asbestos-containing building materials and universal waste found in structures and improvements. The selected Contractors will furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment to demolish and remove the improvements in their entirety in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Eric Chavira (714)765-4318

  39. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Resort Area Sanitary Sewer Study. The project reference number is RCP No. 2023-20793 with a bid deadline on 04/25/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Nature of Work: The City of Anaheim (City) is seeking consultant(s) to provide design services for the following Sanitary Sewer Study as shown in Exhibit A. Number of Proposals and Signature: One project specific proposal shall be signed by a company official with the power to bind the company and submit to the City of Anaheim duly completed Exhibits E, F and I. One (1) Fee Proposal for the project shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope labeled with the corresponding RCP No. and Project Title.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Lori Ishigo (714) 765-4113

  40. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, CIP – 2024 Sports Courts – Construction. The project reference number is WO194815.1 with a bid deadline on 05/21/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be undertaken at Chaparral Park, John Marshall Park, Pearson Park, and Ross Park consists of resurfacing, repairing, and painting basketball and tennis courts.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Katherine Moncrief / 714-765-6890

  41. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, CIP – 2024 Various Community Enhancements – Construction Project. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 04/18/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be undertaken at Barton Park, Chaparral Park, John Marshall Park, Miraloma Community Center, and Pearson Park consists of, but are not limited to, site improvement activities ranging from: full site lighting upgrades, wood structure rehabilitation, security hardening, roof repair/replacement, fascia replacement, playground surface replacement, painting, and all other work as shown on the plans and delineated in the specifications

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Jonathan Leggett 714-412-5714

  42. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Escalator Step Replacement for the Anaheim Convention Center. The project reference number is 9781 with a bid deadline on 04/15/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services City of Anaheim is seeking a licensed C-11 elevator vendor to remove, furnish, and install escalator steps at the Anaheim Convention Center, per the bid specifications

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Ariana Hernandez 714-765-4543

  43. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Banner Fabrication and Installation. The project reference number is 9775 with a bid deadline on 04/11/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The City of Anaheim desires the services of a qualified vendor to provide as-needed banner fabrication & installation services, per bid specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Maira Rodriguez 714-765-5218

  44. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Anaheim West Tower HVAC Rehabilitation Phase III. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 05/09/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 1800000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work to be undertaken during phase 3A consists of demolishing two existing glycol pumps, relocating portions of the existing water treatment system, constructing a reinforced concrete chiller pad, providing and installing pony chiller, provide and install two chilled water pumps, and all required electrical and controls. Phase 3B includes demolishing and removing 7 Fafco ice tanks and their associated housekeeping pads, leveling and painting the ice bank room floor, and painting of new and affected piping.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    David Nguyen 714-412-8844

  45. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Rio Vista Park Improvements. The project reference number is GRA2023-03872, BLD2023-01970, BLD2023-02105(demo plan); UWM2023-00030 with a bid deadline on 04/11/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 1618368. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    WORK DESCRIPTION: The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Construction Documents. The general items of work include; demolition of existing restroom building, adjacent hardscape and construction of a 949 SF new restroom building, 687 SF shade structure and site improvements, including landscape, decomposed granite paving, a drinking fountain, picnic tables, litter receptacles, concrete path to provide access to the restroom and park facilities.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    John Martin 714-765-5157

  46. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Cypress, Resh, and Citron Sanitary Sewer Improvements. The project reference number is 2021-186272021-18627 with a bid deadline on 03/28/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 5186775. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The sewer improvement project (Project) described herein provides a new 8-inch VCP replacement sewer in Cypress, Resh, Citron, Janss, and Pine St. The entire neighborhood will be slurry sealed as part of this project. The work consists of, but is not limited to, sewer pipeline removal, disposal and abandonment; sewer manhole removal, disposal, abandonment, modification, and construction; connection of existing service laterals to the proposed sewer pipeline; sewer bypassing to maintain sewer service; adjusting existing utility vaults, valve boxes and pull boxes to grade; trench restoration; sheeting, shoring, and bracing; grind and cap paving; traffic control; implementation of a Water Pollution Control Program and Best Management Practices; and all appurtenant work as shown on the plans and delineated in the specifications.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Joshua Vargas 714-765-5100

  47. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, RFQ – Environmental Services. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 03/08/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The City of Anaheim is requesting proposals for qualifications to provide professional environmental services from qualified Environmental Engineering Consultants for an “on-call” as required basis for transportation-related projects. The Agreement will be with Consultant firms to provide the services listed below: Project Management and Administration; Environmental Consulting Services; Technical Evaluation and Recommendation; Environmental Documentation; Environmental Site Assessment; Regulatory Permit Processing; Environmental Clearances;

    For questions about the project you can contact

    David Mori 714-765-5148

  48. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, On-Call Pavement Reports & Design and Potholing Investigation Services. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 03/08/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The City of Anaheim is requesting proposals for qualifications to provide services from qualified geotechnical/soils consulting engineering firms and potholing investigation firms for an “on-call” as required on short notice basis for pavement materials testing, reports, designs, and potholing investigations for public works improvement projects.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    David Mori 714-765-5148

  49. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, Master Agreement for Street Maintenance, Construction, and Immediate Response. The project reference number is 20240215 with a bid deadline on 03/07/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Asphalt Concrete, Slurry Seal, Fog Seal, Traffic Control, Concrete, Slopes, Unclassified Excavation

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Patrick Kelley 714-765-6935

  50. The Anaheim, City of is seeking qualified bids for the project, ACC North Pony Chiller Installation. The project reference number is BLD 2023-03843 with a bid deadline on 02/29/2024. Located in s-Orange county, the project has an estimated budget of 750000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services Accept care, custody & control of & install 1 skid mounted 150 Ton Pony Chiller & associated piping, electrical, structural, roofing repair, programming, testing, commissioning, aesthetic restoration, etc…

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Caster D. Williams