Scope of Work: The work to be done, in general terms, consists of: In accordance with the Plans and Specifications, the work includes furnishing all labor, materials, tax, equipment, incidentals and services for the construction and completion of the MARE ISLAND CAUSEWAY BRIDGE (23C-0248) PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACTIVITIES PROJECT PW9762, FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. BPMP-5030(060). Spot repair and overcoat lift span and towers. Repairing cracked, spalled and delaminated concrete in the substructure and superstructure. Repair cracks and apply a polyester overlay on the bridge deck. Replace deck joint seals. Replace missing bolts in stringers and bearings. Replace damaged sidewalk panels. Repair or replace deteriorating piles. Replace anodes. Repair or replace metal railing posts. Clean, repair, and paint metal railing. Repair existing timber fenders. Repair and replace existing lighting. Apply traffic striping to bridge deck and roadway.