REBID – International Pkwy Bridge Replacement & Expansion Project
DESCRIPTION: The new bridge consists of two spans. The northbound span is 44 feet wide (2 through lanes and a
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DESCRIPTION: The new bridge consists of two spans. The northbound span is 44 feet wide (2 through lanes and a
Scope of Services Pavement widening, parking construction, and walkway
WORK: The Works consists of, but is not limited to, provision of all equipment, labor, and materials necessary to complete
Scope of Services The Carlsbad Watershed Management Area (CWMA) (Hydrologic Unit 904) is approximately 211 square miles. The CWMA is
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The work to be performed under this contract includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation and
SCOPE OF SERVICES The selected Proposer will provide the services as described in the Scope of Services identified below. Modifications
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