WORK: The Works consists of, but is not limited to, provision of all equipment, labor, and materials necessary to complete
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WORK: The Works consists of, but is not limited to, provision of all equipment, labor, and materials necessary to complete
SCOPE OF WORK. The Project includes, without limitation, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, equipment and other incidental and appurtenant work
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (3) Three New Modular Kindergarten Classroom Buildings (Modulars Buildings Provided Under Separate Contract). Scope of Work to include
Scope of Services Scope or work consist of removal of existing asphalt track and replacement with decomposed granite surface as
Scope of Services The successful submittals for this procurement shall demonstrate that the Consultant has the appropriate professional and technical
This RFP specifically pertains to the James Logan High School campus, focusing on potential new construction and major modernization projects.
If you have any questions, use the green Live Chat button on the lower right side of the screen. Please be sure to include either the Post Id or the Project Name as reference.