Handrails Replacement, Repair and Services
SCOPE OF SERVICES: Services for any work that may be authorized pursuant to this ITB shall be performed in accordance
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SCOPE OF SERVICES: Services for any work that may be authorized pursuant to this ITB shall be performed in accordance
Scope of Work With this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), the County is seeking a consultant to evaluate two options in
DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 01720 – Survey: This package shall include the following general scope as applicable: Survey and staking including
SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and utility and transportation services, and perform and
Description of Work: The Project generally involves the rehabilitation of approximately 4,900 feet of 42 and 48-inch diameter reinforced concrete
PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND City of Vacaville (City) Utilities Department is seeking professional design and construction support services for the
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