Install District Furnished Shade Shelters at 7 Sites
Scope of Services Installation of District-provided 20’x20′ single-pole shade structures at the state-funded preschool areas of the following elementary school
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Scope of Services Installation of District-provided 20’x20′ single-pole shade structures at the state-funded preschool areas of the following elementary school
DESCRIPTION The items of work indicated below propose modifications to, substitutions for, additions to and/or deletions from the various parts
General work description: Remove and replace RHMA, pavement marking and roadside sign
The work of this project consists of, but is not limited to the Scope of Work listed below. This scope
Scope of Services All labor materials and equipment required to provide and install all work necessary and required for the
Scope of Services The City of Carlsbad is seeking a qualified contractor to provide all equipment, labor, materials, tools, services,
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