2025 Citywide Pavement Condition Survey and Pavement Management System Update
Scope of Services Citywide Pavement Condition Assessment, Data Management and QC, GIS, Street Saver
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Scope of Services Citywide Pavement Condition Assessment, Data Management and QC, GIS, Street Saver
Scope of Services Location of the work will be located throughout the City. The work includes but is not limited
Scope of Services The purpose of this RFQ is to develop a list of pre-qualified Respondents willing to provide power
General Information. The District invites qualified Firms to submit a RFQ related to its ability to provide the Services, as
Scope of Services: Laboratory services consist of furnishing all required labor, supervision, travel, equipment, materials and supplies. Specifically, but
SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall perform within the time stipulated the Contract as herein defined, and shall provide all
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