Annual Concrete Replacement at Various Locations FY 2024-2025.
THIS PROJECT INCLUDE: Annual Concrete Replacement at Various Locations FY 2024-2025.
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THIS PROJECT INCLUDE: Annual Concrete Replacement at Various Locations FY 2024-2025.
Scope of Services The Stanislaus County Public Works Department is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants for bridge scour repair, which
DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work consists of providing all materials, labor, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation and incidentals necessary to construct:
Description of Services: In general, needed services consist of mechanical engineering design and mechanical equipment facility study services related to
Scope of Services The design scope includes using the existing design documents and finalizing the Project design for the new
The work to be done consists, in general, of the removal and proper disposal of 242 almond trees, 222 grapevines,
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