Bathtub Loop Drainage Upgrade Project
Scope of Work: The Bathtub Loop Drainage Upgrade Project consists of grading and reshaping the existing road, placement of stabilization
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Scope of Work: The Bathtub Loop Drainage Upgrade Project consists of grading and reshaping the existing road, placement of stabilization
SCOPE OF WORK: Installation, testing, service and maintenance of systems utilizing the transmission and/or transference of voice, sound, vision and
Project Description The Projects consist of all LOR services for the following scope of work, which includes, but may not
General work description: This project generally involves but is not limited to full-depth reclamation with no stabilizer (also referred to
Scope of Work including but not limited to: Site demolition, clear and grub of existing natural grass field, followed by
GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK/SERVICES REQUIRED Brief Scope Statement: After rainstorms the Technology Building at LA Harbor College has water infiltration
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