On-Call Traffic Engineering and Land Surveying Services
SCOPE OF WORK INTRODUCTION The City of Hesperia is seeking a qualified consultant to provide various services. The Scope of
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SCOPE OF WORK INTRODUCTION The City of Hesperia is seeking a qualified consultant to provide various services. The Scope of
Scope of Services Interior demolition of existing building, and renovation and updating of existing Campus Center Building.
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW: The City of San José (“City”) is soliciting bids from qualified vendors (“Bidder” or “Bidders”) for the
Scope of Work As part of a pilot project to calm traffic and increase the vitality of Downtown Hayward, the
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The New Moorpark City Library is proposed as a new 17,500 sf single story building. The project includes
Scope of Services The purpose of this RFQ is to develop a list of pre-qualified Respondents willing to provide power
If you have any questions, use the green Live Chat button on the lower right side of the screen. Please be sure to include either the Post Id or the Project Name as reference.