North Shore Area Resurfacing
SCOPE OF WORK This project consists of resurfacing various roads with a combined length of approximately 6 miles of existing
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SCOPE OF WORK This project consists of resurfacing various roads with a combined length of approximately 6 miles of existing
Scope of Services Citywide Pavement Condition Assessment, Data Management and QC, GIS, Street Saver
DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be done consists, in general, of asphalt and concrete maintenance on public trails, paths,
Scope of Services California State University (“CSU” or the “University”) is seeking Proposals (“Proposals”) to engage a single or multiple
Scope of Work – The project consists of a complete overhaul and renovation of an existing building. Renovations include installing
Services may include general consulting; civil engineering; land surveying; Capital Improvement Program project design, construction support and management; computer or
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