Invitation to Bid for On‐Call Paving Services for Merced County Department of Public Works – Road Division
SCOPE OF SERVICES: Acting upon instructionsfrom Merced County Board of Supervisors, the Department of Public Works – Road Division has
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SCOPE OF SERVICES: Acting upon instructionsfrom Merced County Board of Supervisors, the Department of Public Works – Road Division has
Notice inviting bids, plans, specifications and other contract documents for the construction of Bid No. 24-25.16; TOT-LOT ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER
The Project consists of: Scope includes new outdoor steam boiler plant; mechanical room upgrades and associated piping. To bid on
Scope of Services The work to be performed for this item includes, but is not limited to, furnishing, and installing
Scope of Services The City would like to migrate to a new VoIP solution that is fully hosted or hybrid
Scope of Services The Work encompassed by the Project is more specifically defined in the Contract Documents, but in general
If you have any questions, use the green Live Chat button on the lower right side of the screen. Please be sure to include either the Post Id or the Project Name as reference.