Police Department Parking Lot Reconfiguration
Scope of Services The scope of work generally consists of modifying the existing police department parking lot at 99 Fair
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Scope of Services The scope of work generally consists of modifying the existing police department parking lot at 99 Fair
Scope of Services SBMWD is seeking to procure furniture, fixtures, and equipment, for the new SBMWD Administration facility. The qualified
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The New Moorpark City Library is proposed as a new 17,500 sf single story building. The project includes
Scope of Services Maintenance and repair of the Citrus Avenue Parking Structure. Methods include but are not limited to maintenance
Description of Work: The Project generally involves updating the configuration of the existing ground transportation island located south of SJC
Scope of Work: The work to be done in general consists of mobilization; preparatory work, securing the work area for
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