Networking Center Relocation and Administration Building Storage Room Addition
Description of Work the Work involves construction of the following: new CMU building; communication equipment and wiring relocation; communication antenna
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Description of Work the Work involves construction of the following: new CMU building; communication equipment and wiring relocation; communication antenna
If this Project includes work that will be performed by mechanical, electrical or plumbing (“MEP”) subcontractors (contractors that hold C-4,
The work of this project consists of, but is not limited to the Scope of Work listed below. This scope
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW The City of San José (“City”) is soliciting bids from qualified vendors (“Bidder” or “Bidders”) for the
The project work shall include the following tasks: The work includes on-site and off-site demolition; site grading; soil import; concrete
The San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District, also known as OneShoreline, is seeking planning and design
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