Hazardous Waste Disposal Services for Palm Springs International Airport
Scope of Services The City of Palm Springs is requesting Bids from qualified firms to provide the City with hazardous
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Scope of Services The City of Palm Springs is requesting Bids from qualified firms to provide the City with hazardous
Scope of Services In accordance with Contract Documents, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, transportation, and disposal
SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services for the
SCOPE OF WORK Except where otherwise noted, the system shall consist of a network of commercial Internet programmable thermostats, their
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 et seq of the California Labor Code, each worker
Scope of Services Vendors may submit a proposal for all the scope of services listed below: Design & Assessment: Evaluate
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