Water Reclamation Plant No. 4 Phase 1 Non-Potable Water Improvements
Scope of Services The design scope includes using the existing design documents and finalizing the Project design for the new
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Scope of Services The design scope includes using the existing design documents and finalizing the Project design for the new
SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant shall provide aquatic vegetation and water quality management services for the Marina Lagoon in San Mateo.
SCOPE OF WORK The general scope of work for this contract shall include but not be limited to the tasks
SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services for the
DESCRIPTION OF WORK The Work generally consists of: stormwater pollution prevention and erosion control, demolition and removal/disposal, traffic control and
DESCRIPTION The items of work indicated below propose modifications to, substitutions for, additions to and/or deletions from the various parts
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