Emergency Generator and ATS Replacement
General Description. The Casitas Municipal Water District (District) is soliciting formal bids for a contract to Construct/Replace an Emergency Generator
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General Description. The Casitas Municipal Water District (District) is soliciting formal bids for a contract to Construct/Replace an Emergency Generator
Scope of Work the Consultant’s scope of work described below consists of design and project management tasks that are expected
DESCRIPTION: The new bridge consists of two spans. The northbound span is 44 feet wide (2 through lanes and a
Description of Project This project involves installing six (6) level 2 dual port Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations at 126
Scope of Services The Carlsbad Watershed Management Area (CWMA) (Hydrologic Unit 904) is approximately 211 square miles. The CWMA is
Scope of Services The purpose of this RFQ is to develop a list of pre-qualified Respondents willing to provide power
If you have any questions, use the green Live Chat button on the lower right side of the screen. Please be sure to include either the Post Id or the Project Name as reference.