RFP: Construction Mangement & Inspection – Permanant Generator @ Mockingbird PS
Scope of Services Western Municipal Water District (Western) is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide Construction Management and Inspection
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Scope of Services Western Municipal Water District (Western) is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide Construction Management and Inspection
General work description: Bridge deck repairs, polyester concrete overlays, and HMA (TYPE A)
Description of Project Shall Include but is not Limited to: placing (1) pre-checked fabric shade structure (OFCI) and play equipment
General work description: Slurry seal coat.
SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, and utility and transportation services, and perform and
SCOPE OF WORK Except where otherwise noted, the system shall consist of a network of commercial Internet programmable thermostats, their
If you have any questions, use the green Live Chat button on the lower right side of the screen. Please be sure to include either the Post Id or the Project Name as reference.