Projects for Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
General work description: The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) will be soliciting bids for a Renovation and Maintenance Job Order Contract (“JOC”), hereinafter referred to as the “Project”. Notice is hereby given that VTA is now soliciting Statements of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from bidders (“Bidders”) with construction expertise in maintenance, repair and minor construction of public works. This Request for Pre-Qualification of Bidders is intended to solicit information in the form of a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire and qualification statements. All Bidders that intend to submit a Bid for the Project must fully complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, provide all materials requested herein, and be approved by VTA in order to be included on the final qualified Bidders list. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder that has failed to comply with these requirements. If two or more contractors submit a SOQ as part of a Joint Venture or expect to submit a SOQ as part of a Joint Venture, each entity within the Joint Venture must be separately pre-qualified. Answers to questions contained in the attached Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, information about current bonding capacity, notarized statement from surety, and the most recent reviewed or audited financial statements, with accompanying notes and supplemental information, are required. VTA will use these documents as the basis of rating Bidders with respect to the Project size and scope. VTA reserves the right to check other sources available. VTA’s decision will be based on objective evaluation criteria.
For questions about the project you can contactChristine Hassey at -
SCOPE OF WORK: Contractor must furnish and deliver bus stop solar lights, as described in the Scope of Work of the IFB
For questions about the project you can contactAlexandria De Lashmutt -
SCOPE OF SERVICES: Contractor will provide all technical and professional labor, material, tools, and test equipment to perform maintenance and modifications as needed on VTA’s Card Access Control (badge) system.
For questions about the project you can contactRichard Nguyen -
SCOPE OF SERVICES: Contractor’s scope will include architectural, engineering, technical services, and design services during construction (“Services”), including the preparation of plans, technical specifications, probable construction cost estimates, schedule of quantities and prices, packaging the bid documents, bid evaluation, design support services during construction, and project closeout. Design will incorporate all requirements determined during the concept design developed for this facility including, but not limited to, the site planning, utilities, and systems infrastructure shown/included in the VTA furnished documents
For questions about the project you can contactNorman David -
Description of Work The Work to be performed under the Contract consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to convert the existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to Express Lanes (previously known as High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes) along US 101 from near Metcalf Road to the US 101/SR 85 Separation, and along SR 85 from the US 101/SR 85 Separation to Almaden Expressway Undercrossing in San Jose. The project limits are approximately 2 miles within a portion of US 101 and 6 miles within a portion of SR 85., as further described in the scope in the Technical Specifications.
For questions about the project you can contactNavie Kaur -
Scope of Services: The proposer will provide services as described here and issued by VTA and will be responsible for all aspects of the coordination and management of planning and engineering activities. The proposer will work under the direction of VTA’s designated Project Manager and will coordinate activities with other VTA departments and technical consultants, as necessary to complete the scope of services.
For questions about the project you can contactGina Cole -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project will consist of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to construct noise reduction measures at five (5) locations along State Route 85 (SR 85) within Santa Clara County. This Contract includes Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt(RHMA) overlays of the existing Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) and existing Asphalt Concrete (AC) pavements. Polyester concrete bridge deck overlays along SR 85 at the Cahalan Undercrossing (BridgeNo. 37-440L and 37-440R) and Saratoga Creek Bridges (Bridge No. 37-500L, 37-500R, 37-500K, 37-500S) with a longitudinally textured surface is also included in the Contract. Metal Guardrail System, Thrie Beam Barrier and Concrete Barrier replacements are also included..
For questions about the project you can contactLAWRENCE BERG (949) 350-7048 -
SCOPE OF SERVICES Proposer must submit a Proposal that demonstrates Proposer is able to provide the Services described in this RFP. VTA is seeking a Program Management Consultant (“PMC”) to provide critical project and program management for the successful delivery of the BSVII Project within budget and schedule.
For questions about the project you can
Project Description A key initiation task is a kick-off meeting with the PDT to review and refine the work program and schedule, identify critical milestones, and determine appropriate paths of communication. This task includes initial review of the Project and early consultation with VTA, County, City, and Caltrans. One of the crucial steps that must be addressed early is the Project purpose and need. Contractor will request information about previous environmental documents prepared for projects along the corridor. This task includes a field review visit.
For questions about the project you can contactJessica Rodriguez -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to provide Fire and Trespass alarm monitoring services for all VTA sites. The Work will be conducted within an operating rail yard and adjacent to and within existing shop facilities. This Work will be subject to restrictions to ensure safety and the continuing operations of the yard and shop and the light rail system.
For questions about the project you can contactEgheose Iyorah -
Description This Section includes specifications for measurement and payment as they apply to the Work, and includes provisions applicable to lump sum prices, unit prices, and allowances, as indicated. Except as otherwise specified in these Contract Documents, all Work will be paid for at a Contract price per unit measurement, as indicated in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices. The number of units and quantities contained in the Bid Form 1, Schedule of Quantities and Prices, are estimated and approximate only, and final payment will be made for the actual number of units and quantities incorporated in the Work as required by VTA. All Work performed under this Contract will be billed according to the procedures described in this Section.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong at -
VTA is a multi-modal transit system in Santa Clara County, California, operating bus, light rail, paratransit, and other modes of public transportation. The light rail system consists of approximately 78 track miles. There are approximately 67 track miles of conventional tie and ballast track with 115RE, approximately 4 track miles of direct fixation track work at the Diridon Tunnel, the Elevated Structure and Lafayette Bridge. Street crossings use either steel reinforced concrete panels, or have the rails directly embedded in concrete. There are also approximately 7 track miles of embedded track with Ri59 girder rail. All track is continuously welded, glued and/or insulated joints are used in signalized territory and near street crossings.
For questions about the project you can contactLydia Lin -
SCOPE OF WORK: P24062 PAVED SURFACE SWEEPING SERVICES Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, water, equipment, and transportation required to clean all areas included in this document. No additional costs will be charged for travel time, fuel, and equipment between sites, those costs must be factored in the Contractor’s bid prices. Contractor will perform power sweeping at all paved areas, parking stall areas, and any adjacent bus stop areas listed in Schedule A, Sweeping Schedule for VTA Properties. The Contractor’s power sweeping equipment must have a dispenser for water spray to control dust, and brushes which will remove leaves, dirt, chemical residue, gravel, and other small debris. The Contractor’s equipment must be of the larger street sweeping type variety, a Tymco Model 600 or equivalent. Equipment will be compliant with California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations.
For questions about the project you can contactAaron Whelan (408) 952-4276 -
SCOPE OF SERVICES:The documents, reports, plans, specifications, and estimates will be prepared in accordance with VTA policies, procedures, manuals, and standards, including compliance with Caltrans’, FTA, CPUC, FRA, and local agency requirements. The standards described below are not all-inclusive but are intended only to illustrate types of sources. VTA Light Rail Manual of Standard Details VTA Light Rail Design Criteria Manual, and references within to other regulations, codes or standards VTA CADD Manual VTA Stormwater Design Criteria Manual VTA September 2018 Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) Plan, approved by FRA CPUC General Order 95 Caltrans Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) CSJ Standard Specifications and Details.
For questions about the project you can contactLida Delos Santos -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to perform Preventative Maintenance, Unscheduled Repairs, Emergency Repairs, Replacements, or other VTA specified actions on all Heaters, Ventilators, Air Conditioning units, HVAC units, and gas converters, ice machines, energy management systems etc., including all, but not limited to, the list of equipment supplied. The Work will be conducted within an operating rail yard and adjacent to and within existing shop facilities. This Work will be subject to restrictions to ensure safety and the continuing operations of the yard and shop and the light rail system.
For questions about the project you can contactNavie Kaur -
Scope of Work. The contractor shall perform the Work as described in WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR CONTRACT M24098 in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner and by the provisions of the Contract Documents. Compensation. Full compensation to Contractor for the complete and satisfactory performance of the Work under the Contract and all provisions of the Contract Documents, and for Contractor’s payment of all obligations incurred to others in the performance of the Work, is the Total Contract Price (as defined in Contract Section 2.5, Definitions) of $ INSERT TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE, as this amount may be adjusted in accordance with other provisions of the Contract. All costs for Work shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, even if not specifically provided for by a Bid item in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices shall be included in the Total Contract Price per Contract Section 7.59, Progress Payments.
For questions about the project you can contactEgheose Iyorah -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Work will include furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment and incidentals which are necessary to construct the following: To convert the existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to Express Lanes (previously known as High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes) along US 101 from near Metcalf Road to the US 101/SR 85 Separation, and along SR 85 from the US 101/SR 85 Separation to Almaden Expressway Undercrossing in San Jose. The project limits are approximately 2 miles within a portion of US 101 and 6 miles within a portion of SR 85.
For questions about the project you can contactNavie Kaur at -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to provide lighting maintenance services for all VTA sites and assets, which include but not limited to, replacement of interior and exterior burned out/flickering light bulbs, tubes, emergency lights, exit signs, tasks lights, photo cells, sensors and other lighting equipment required by this Contract; replace failed ballasts; install new fixtures; replace all broken, missing, stained and damaged diffusers. The Work will be conducted within an operating rail yard and adjacent to and within existing shop facilities. This Work will be subject to restrictions to ensure safety and the continuing operations of the yard and shop and the light rail system.
For questions about the project you can contactCathy Clegg -
Scope of Work The City is experiencing dynamic growth in residential and commercial electric accounts. The City is seeking a qualified engineering firm to assist with the development of an electric system master plan (Master Plan). This assistance shall come in the form of various scenarios of load growth, alternative expansion options, and system reliability through the installation of substations, transmission, and underground and overhead distribution circuits. Proposal to include but not limited to the following:
For questions about the project you can contactRichard Nguyen -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to maintain, repair, and do load bank testing on all VTA emergency generators including all BART facilities and any other future VTA facilities as they come online and are entered into the VTA inventory.
For questions about the project you can contactNavie Kaur -
DESCRIPTION: The Work, as defined in Section 1.3 of the Contract Documents, is more fully described in these Technical Specifications. Contractor will perform ongoing maintenance, repair, and possible replacement services at the VTA facilities. Certain portions of the Work will be performed on an on-call basis (“On-Call”), meaning that VTA may request unscheduled maintenance or repair/replacement services. Any On-Call type of Work performed under this Contract will be authorized via the issuance of a written Work Order. This Contract is formatted as an estimated value contract, meaning that VTA does not guarantee a minimum number of Work Orders to be issued hereunder. VTA has set aside a fixed amount of funding on an annual basis for the Work contained herein. VTA will spend a portion of or all the funding allotted per year at the discretion of the assigned VTA Authorized Representative. Contractor shall provide flat rates on Bid Form #1. Unscheduled repairs and emergency call-outs will be billed either on a fixed price basis as described in Proposals or on a time and materials basis as agreed to in the Contract.
For questions about the project you can
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to service, repair, and make necessary replacements of all VTA Revenue Fleet wash systems at the operational divisions. The Work will be conducted within an operating rail yard and adjacent to and within existing shop facilities. This Work will be subject to restrictions to ensure safety and the continuing operations of the yard and shop and the light rail system.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
Description of Work: For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to construct improvements for the US 101/SR 25 Interchange – Phase 1 Project (Project) south of the City of Gilroy in southern Santa Clara County. The Project includes the following key elements. Construct a new SR 25 overcrossing above US 101, just north of the existing SR 25 overcrossing, and demolish the existing SR 25 overcrossing structure. Construct new US 101/SR 25 Interchange on-and off-ramps and demolish the existing southbound US 101 off-ramp structure to SR 25. Construct a slightly realigned portion of northbound US 101 at the SR 25 overcrossing.
For questions about the project you can contactCathy Clegg -
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project will consist of roadway improvements along SR 25 and US 101. Along SR 25, the Project begins near post mile (PM) 2.1, just west of UPRR crossing, and continues to PM 2.6, at the terminus of SR 25 at US 101. Along US 101, Project improvements begin at PM 2.6, south of SR 25, and continue to PM 4.2, near Mesa Road. The Project includes the following key elements. Construct a new SR 25 overcrossing above US 101, just north of the existing SR 25 overcrossing, and demolish the existing SR 25 overcrossing structure. Construct new US 101/SR 25 Interchange on-and off-ramps and demolish the existing southbound US 101 off-ramp structure to SR 25. Construct a slightly realigned portion of northbound US 101 at the SR 25 overcrossing. Construct SR 25 starting at the new overcrossing structure and conforming with the existing alignment just west of the UPRR crossing.
For questions about the project you can contactCathy Clegg -
SCOPE OF WORK Storm drain system cleaning and maintenance are critical components to keeping VTA’s storm drainage systems and local waterways clear of trash, debris, and sediment. The scope of work for services included under this contract will include cleaning and repair of storm drain inlets, including trash Full Capture System (FCS) inserts. Interested Contractors are invited to submit Proposals to VTA in accordance with the conditions and terms described in this contract. Proposal submittals should include the Bid Pricing for the provision of services listed below. VTA is currently in the process of installing trash FCS inserts under a separate contract. Each year, as funding becomes available, from 2022 to 2030, trash FCS inserts may be installed at these drain inlets until all necessary Priority Land Uses are compliant with the Trash Provisions. Installation will occur in phases, thus the number of drain inlets with trash FCS inserts will increase over time.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to construct security related upgrades at the Guadalupe Building I Parking lot and main entrance including but not limited to fencing, installation of vehicular swing gates, and pedestrian gate. Additional upgrades include lighting upgrades, the installation of card readers, an intercom system, and a CCTV camera at the entrance in front of the new security gates. Work also includes the electrical infrastructure to support the security upgrades and communications integration. The Work will be conducted within an operating rail yard and adjacent to and within existing shop facilities. This Work will be subject to restrictions to ensure safety and the continuing operations of the yard and shop and the light rail system.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
SCOPE OF SERVICES: VTA’s Blue Line light rail service currently operates between Santa Teresa station in South San Jose and Baypointe station in North San Jose. As part of its future service planning, VTA seeks to extend the blue line to Hostetter station for regular revenue operation. A new terminus points and turnback at Hostetter station will enable better transfer operation to the BART connection at Milpitas LRT station. This will require additional storage track for light rail vehicles, as well as a new track system connecting the new storage facility to the mainline tracks. VTA has concluded that its current park and ride lot located southwest of Hostetter station is underutilized and has planned to use a portion of the site as an additional storage track facility. In addition, a quarter grand track alignment, a new light rail grade crossing along southbound Capitol Ave, and all associated light rail systems
For questions about the project you can contactLida Delos Santos -
Description of Work A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity Contract pursuant to which the JOC Contractor may perform an ongoing series of individual Task Orders to perform maintenance, repair, and minor construction of public works. The JOC Contractor will perform all the Work set forth in the detailed Scope of Work referenced in the individual Task Orders issued by VTA against the Contract. The JOC Contractor is required to complete each required design and the detailed Scope of Work for the Task Order Sum within the Task Order Time. Both Contracts are being advertised simultaneously, utilizing the same Special Conditions, General Conditions and SimpleBid® Unit Price Book with the same Contractor’s license requirements and Bid Opening dates and times. Bidders may Bid on either one or both of the Job Order Contracts. However, no one Bidder shall be awarded more than one of the Job Order Contracts.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to clean and repair existing storm drain inlets, including trash Full Capture System (FCS) inserts at multiple locations
For questions about the project you can contactContract Administrator: Kimmy Truong
Email: -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity Contract pursuant to which the JOC Contractor may perform an ongoing series of individual Task Orders to perform maintenance, repair, and minor construction of public works. The JOC Contractor will perform all the Work set forth in the detailed Scope of Work referenced in the individual Task Orders issued by VTA against the Contract. The JOC Contractor is required to complete each required design and the detailed Scope of Work for the Task Order Sum within the Task Order Time stated therein.
For questions about the project you can contactChristine Hassey -
SCOPE OF SERVICES: VTA currently has a total of 56 bus routes and three light rail lines. Two bus rapid transit (BRT) routes (Rapid 522 and Rapid 523) and three light rail lines currently have transit signal priority (TSP) in active operations. The current TSP for the light rail lines is based on embedded detection in the exclusive right-of-way to trigger service calls for TSP. The BRT services are using a GPS transponder with geo-fences to send TSP service calls via radio communications to a GPS based TSP equipment located within the traffic controller cabinet at the signalized intersection.
For questions about the project you can contactJessica Rodriguez -
SCOPE OF WORK: VTA has an existing CCTV infrastructure in place that includes Pelco, Axis, and Arecont cameras along with Pelco Digital Sentry and ExcaqVision Video Management Software (VMS), HP servers, and other relatable equipment, which is currently maintained by a contractor and internal VTA Staff. VTA has begun replacing the existing Pelco analog cameras with IP cameras and modernizing their VMS at VTA locations; however, there are locations that still need CAT6 cabling and camera upgrades to migrate fully from the analog solution(s).
For questions about the project you can contactElena Lazo -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Contract consists of the interior improvements of Guadalupe Building A 2nd floor administrative office area. Demolition of existing interior walls and partitions, windows, exterior metal awning, casework and finishes including T-bar ceiling and VCT flooring. Demolition of existing men’s and women’s restroom/ locker room including toilets, toilet partitions, sinks, lockers, and existing tile. Removal of the gym and kitchenette. Preparations for new construction. This project consists of 4 new offices, 1 new satellite office, 1 new conference room, 1 new library, 1 new kitchenette, 1 new lactation room, and a reconfiguration of the existing training lab. New interior walls, doors, and glass office windows. Installation of new storefront exterior window system with roof access door and new metal awning. New kitchenette and relocation of existing kitchenette equipment.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
Scope of Work: Proposer must describe the information provided to interested firms; report the name of the firms involved and set forth the date and method of providing such information.
For questions about the project you can contactNorman David -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to construct security related upgrades at the entrance to the VTA Chaboya campus from S. 7 th St. including but not limited to fencing, installation of vehicular swing gates, a pedestrian gate, sidewalk, and a concrete pad for a future guardhouse. Additional upgrades include lighting upgrades, the installation of card readers, an intercom system, and a CCTV camera at the entrance in front of the new security gates. The scope of work also includes the electrical infrastructure to support the security upgrades and communications integration into the Chaboya campus.
For questions about the project you can contactNicole Chapman -
SCOPE OF SERVICES: Contractor will provide services for the project, including all fieldwork, investigation, special studies and preparation of contract documents for completing the final design – Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (“PS&E”) phase for the Project.
For questions about the project you can contactJessica Rodriguez -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, the Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to install new traffic signal equipment to detect transit signal priority calls for service at at-grade light rail intersections (non-gated). The new signal equipment will provide wireless light rail vehicle detection and may be used by local agencies for emergency vehicle pre-emption. Generally, the intersections are along the four different corridors, Tasman Drive (north corridor), East San Carlos (south corridor), North Capital Avenue (east corridor), and North 1st Street (west corridor).
For questions about the project you can contactNavie Kaur -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to maintain the landscaping features within Caltrans’ right of way during the Year 2 and Year 3 Plant Establishment Period (PEP) for the US 101/Blossom Hill Road Interchange Improvement Project.
For questions about the project you can contactKiet Vu -
SCOPE OF WORK S23179 PASSENGER INFORMATION DISPLAY SIGN PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION VTA Technology is initiating a critical project aimed at enhancing the passenger experience across our transit network. This project involves the replacement of aging outdoor rugged displays at all Light Rail Stations and Bus Transit Centers within our system. The original Peerless-AV displays, having served their intended lifespan, now pose readability challenges for our passengers, leading to confusion when navigating through the VTA transportation network.
For questions about the project you can contactPratik Pradhan(408) 321 5567 -
SCOPE OF SERVICES VTA seeks proposals (each, a “Proposal”) from qualified firms (each, a “Proposer”) to provide engineering design services for the rehabilitation of VTA’s Light Rail Transit (“LRT”) Overhead Contact System (“OCS”).. VTA has identified OCS equipment in specified areas requiring rehabilitation and design enhancements for safety, efficiency, and reduced maintenance. The areas included in the project scope are known as “Tasman West” and “Tasman East”. It is anticipated that design services for Tasman West will be included in the base contract and that Tasman East will be included as optional design services.
For questions about the project you can contactChristine Hassey -
Scope of Work The Services under this RFP are of interest to VTA and stakeholders, including Caltrans, Santa Clara County Roads and Airports (“County”), the City of San Jose, and the City of Milpitas, to improve traffic operations at the I-880/Montague Expressway interchange and McCarthy/O’Toole interchange in Santa Clara County. The City of San Jose and the City of Milpitas are jointly referred to as the “Cities.”
For questions about the project you can contactJessica Rodriguez -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of design and construction of voluntary notifier NFS2-640 aerosol fire suppression systems to protect the communication and electrical rooms at the Milpitas and Berryessa Station campuses. Scope of work also includes integrating the new fire suppression systems into the main fire alarm control panels and obtaining Fire Marshall approval of the project upgrades.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
SCOPE OF SERVICES Design and procurement of structured cabling infrastructure • Installation, termination, and testing of data cabling infrastructure • Cable dressing and labeling • Design and installation of server room rack layout • Procurement and installation of fire-rated plywood backboard for telecommunication equipment • Procurement and installation of grounding busbars • Procurement and installation of conduits sleeves and bushings • Procurement and installation of J-hooks and mounting hardware • Procurement and installation of Power Distribution Units (PDUs)
For questions about the project you can contactGina Cole -
Scope of Work: Proposer must describe the information provided to interested firms; report the name of the firms involved and set forth the date and method of providing such information.
For questions about the project you can contactLida Delos Santos -
The Work consists of furnishing all shop drawings, labor, materials, and equipment necessary for installing 8 dual- port level 2 (high) charging stations at the River Oaks (3331 North First Street) parking facility in San Jose. B. The goal of this project is to reduce criteria air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector by providing publicly accessible chargers for light-duty electric vehicles (EVs). C. Perform short circuit study including arc flash -hazard analysis based upon indicated short circuit information at the existing 480V switchboard one line diagram. Provide arc flashhazard energy labels including a description of the personnel protective equipment (PPE) required for maintenance workers’ protection at electrical enclosures. Provide breaker setting coordination study for all newly added breakers. D. Making the existing and re-located accessible stalls in the location in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing the necessary modifications and upgrades to meet the required standards.
For questions about the project you can contactContract Administrator: Kiet Vu
Email: -
SCOPE OF WORK Includes the installation testing, service and maintenance, of the following systems which utilize the transmission and/or transference of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial, education, security and entertainment purposes for the following: TV monitoring and surveillance, background-foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect, inventory control systems, microwave transmission, multi-media, multiplex, nurse call system, radio page, school intercom and sound, burglar alarms, and low voltage master clock systems
For questions about the project you can
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to replace all existing outdoor lighting fixtures at the Cerone (Base Scope) and River Oaks (Bid Option) campuses with energy efficient LED fixtures. The project will replace various luminaires, including: pole mounted fixtures, bollards, wall packs, flood lights, high‐mast luminaires, and under canopy downlights. The project will also replace six sub‐standard light poles with new 25’ light poles, including removal and replacement of pole foundations at Cerone.
For questions about the project you can contactNavie Kaur -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, work consists of the decommissioning of five remediation wells and three remediation trenches constructed of non-standard material. Decommissioning activities include utility location, cleaning of wells containing sediment prior to decommissioning, demolition of wellhead vaults and monuments, confirmation borings in trenches and restoration of existing pavement. Well decommissioning activities must be performed by a C-57 licensed Well Drilling Contractor.
For questions about the project you can contactKimmy Truong -
Description of Work For purposes of this Contract, Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, supervision, and incidentals necessary to (a) paint shelter frames, railings, light poles, berthing poles, information cabinets, and sign posts; (b) remove and replace tactile warning panels, paint tactile warning panel black boundary stripe, and install directional panels; (c) repair and replace damaged shelter windscreen frames, remove and replace all shelters glazing with laminated glass, remove and replace glass stops, and install weep holes in windscreen frames; (d) remove and replace platform concrete slab joint sealants; (e) remove and replace trash receptacles; (f) apply waterproof coating to shelter gutters; (g) cap irrigation lines, remove landscaping, and install decomposed granite in landscape planters; and (h) remove and replace VTA furnished signs.
For questions about the project you can contactKiet Vu