Projects for San Diego Water Authority

  1. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Combination Air-release and Vacuum-Relief Valves. The project reference number is NIB 25-01 with a bid deadline on 02/05/2025. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    GENERAL SUMMARY All costs associated with completion of the Work, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, are included in Exhibit B, Bid Response Form, and constitute full payment for the Work.

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  2. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Stainless Steel Plug Valves. The project reference number is NIB 24-02 with a bid deadline on 01/27/2025. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) is soliciting bids for procurement and delivery of 11 stainless steel plug valves and all associated supplies, materials, and equipment (Project or Work). Bids must be submitted via the BidNet Direct vendor portal, and received no later than 2:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2025. Bids arriving after the deadline will not be considered. Bids will be opened and read during the virtual bid opening via Microsoft Teams Live Event. In order to access the meeting, reservations are required. Please email Emily Rose, Management Analyst, at to receive an invitation to this meeting. Bidder may not withdraw bid for a period of 90 days after the time set for the opening thereof. The Water Authority reserves the right, after opening bids, to waive any informality in any bid, to reject any or all bids, and to make an award to the lowest, responsible, and responsive bidder as determined by the Water Authority. Contract will be awarded within 90 days after the bid opening if it is in the best interest of the Water Authority.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Emily Rose

  3. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Roofing Services for Otay 13 Flow Control Facility. The project reference number is NIB-JN-Otay13FCFRoofing with a bid deadline on 11/06/2024. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The San Diego County Water Authority is soliciting bids for Standing Seam Metal Roofing Services for Otay 13 Flow Control Facility.

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    Operations & Maintenance

  4. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Standing Seam Metal Roofing Services. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 10/09/2024. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) is soliciting bids for Standing Seam Metal Roofing Services for National City South Bay 4-5 Flow Control Facility. Sealed bids must be received by the Water Authority by mail or in its office at 610 West 5th Avenue, Escondido& CA 92025, on or before 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 9, 2024.

    For questions about the project you can contact

  5. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 09/16/2024. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF WORK The selected Contractor shall have expertise in verifying and validating greenhouse gas emissions submitted to TCR’s Carbon Footprint Registry. The selected Contractor shall be an ANAB National Accreditation Board (ANAB)-accredited and TCR-recognized verification body or an applicant firm in ANAB’s GHG accreditation program. The selected Contractor shall have qualifications and technological means to validate and verify the Water Authority’s GHG inventory consistent with the most recent version of TCR’s General Verification Protocol.

    For questions about the project you can contact

  6. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Helix 9 Flow Control Facility. The project reference number is 665 with a bid deadline on 09/06/2023. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Description of Work: The work generally consists of the following: replacing the existing HLX 1 FCF with a new Helix 9 Flow Control Facility (HLX 9 FCF); installing steel bulkhead at San Diego 1/San Diego 2 to isolate the La Mesa Sweetwater Extension (LMSE) Pipeline and HLX 1 FCF; demolishing the existing HLX 1 FCF and vault structure; demolishing two 16-foot lock joint cylinder pipe spools of 42-inch inside diameter (ID) LMSE pipeline north of HLX 1 FCF; demolishing concrete pavement south of HLX 1 FCF; demolishing one 31-foot reinforced concrete cylinder pipe (RCCP) spool of 27-inch ID LMSE pipeline south of HLX 1 FCF; demolishing one 31-foot RCCP spool of 36-inch ID Helix Water District pipeline south of HLX 1 FCF; constructing underground

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  7. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, As-needed Habitat Restoration and Maintenance Services. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 09/25/2023. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF WORK The selected Contractor shall provide labor and materials necessary to meet the Water Authority’s ongoing habitat restoration work on various projects, listed in Table 1, that arise during the contract period. Work under this contract will be conducted on a taskorder basis, with the Water Authority approving task orders for restoration and maintenance as the need for work arises. Work under this contract will primarily focus on maintenance of sites that have been installed by other parties, though the selected Contractor may also be responsible for performing habitat restoration of areas that have not already been installed.

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  8. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Southern First Aqueduct Structures Rehabilitation. The project reference number is 636 with a bid deadline on 10/10/2023. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Description of Work: In general, the work to be completed under this Contract consists of rehabilitating, replacing, or abandoning 99 pipeline manway, air valve, pump well, and blow-off structures; constructing new turnout connections with associated piping, encasements, vaults, and appurtenances, and making modifications at four flow control facilities; installing and removing bulkheads; installing, maintaining, and removing environmental fencing and flagging; installing and maintaining storm water pollution prevention measures; clearing and grubbing; dewatering; demolishing existing facilities; providing traffic control; excavating and backfilling

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Mike Vanoli

  9. The San Diego Water Authority is seeking qualified bids for the project, Eight (8) Class 150 stainless steel flanged butterfly valves. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 09/06/2023. Located in s-San Diego / Imperial county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    This project includes Eight (8) Class 150 stainless steel flanged butterfly valves.

    For questions about the project you can contact