Projects for Sacramento Area Sewer District
SCOPE OF WORK Background Information The N28 sewage pump station (also referred to as Sump 119) is owned by SacSewer but is operated and maintained by the City of Sacramento at 5610 South Land Park Drive in Sacramento CA 95822. N28 receives average dry and wet weather flows of 4 and 15 MGD, respectively. Currently, SacSewer is responsible for the odor control system at this site. In late 2002, a fixed Carbon Filter System was installed at this site to provide H2S treatment before it was removed in 2004 due to the carbon being clogged with grease. A smaller Portable Carbon Filter (PCF) unit has been monitored, tested and used since 2004 with an average change-out period of two years. The current odor control system includes: a PCF unit equipped with two roof type centrifugal fans mounted on top of the unit to draw and treat foul air from the Cities two wet wells.
For questions about the project you can contactRobert J. Salinas (916) 875-9013 -
SCOPE OF SERVICES This plan will focus on adaptation and resiliency, but it is recognized that adaptation and mitigation go hand in hand when actions that reduce the impacts of climate change also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The scope of services will include but are not limited to those denoted below. A submitted proposal must address the entire scope of services listed.
For questions about the project you can contactElizabeth Bonilla -
SCOPE OF WORK Includes the installation testing, service and maintenance, of the following systems which utilize the transmission and/or transference of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial, education, security and entertainment purposes for the following TV monitoring and surveillance, background-foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect, inventory control systems, microwave transmission, multimedia, multiplex, nurse call system, radio page, school intercom and sound, burglar alarms, and low voltage master clock systems.
For questions about the project you can contactKen Murray (916) 875-1999 -
Scope of Work Introduction SacSewer is soliciting proposals for qualified mechanical contractors to perform on-call mechanical services at the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility. The successful contractor(s) will be responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing mechanical systems and equipment, including responding to emergency situations. The contractor must be equipped to handle a wide range of mechanical services as specified in the scope of work.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
This Request for Bid (RFB) is to purchase and deliver two (2) Variable Frequency Drives for later installation under the Influent Pump Nos. 2 & 5 Installation Project.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart at (916) 875-9014 or,
Tamblynn Stewart at (916) 875-9014 or
Modifications to existing pump station facilities including, but not limited to, the replacement of two submersible pumps, two inclined auger screens, two grinders, one standby generator meeting Tier 4 emissions requirements, pump removal crane and frame, wet well cover and access hatch, spot repairs to existing wet well PVC lining, and replacing and relocating the service transformer. Structural modifications will be necessary at both the existing screening structure and wet well to facilitate the new equipment. Construction of an electrical building with a restroom, electrical equipment and instrumentation control systems, valve vaults, flow diversion structure, piping, valves, manholes, mechanical equipment, site improvements, and incoming and outgoing sewer piping and connections. Providing bypass pumping, temporary piping, final piping connections, and sewer flow control during construction and final testing.
For questions about the project you can contactTerry Lee
(916) 876-6575 -
SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials, required for RFB #8493 – Supplemental Biosolids Harvest Site Preparation Project, as provided for and set forth in said plans and specifications, or in either of them, which said plans and specifications are hereby referred to and by such reference incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement.
For questions about the project you can contactAmi Patrick -
SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials, required for RFB #8489 Dwight Road Entrance Gate Replacement Project, as provided for and set forth in said plans and specifications, or in either of them, which said plans and specifications are hereby referred to and by such reference incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. All of the said work done under this Agreement shall be under the supervision of and performed to the satisfaction of the SacSewer (EchoWater) Engineer who shall have the right to reject any and all materials and supplies furnished by the Contractor which do not comply with said Scope of Work and plans and specifications, together with the right to require the Contractor to replace any and all work furnished by the Contractor which shall not be in strict accordance with said plans and specifications
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart at (916) 875-9014 -
Scope of Work Field testing and troubleshooting Balancing, alignment, temperature and vibration analysis Motor control systems (MCC, VFD, VSC, RVSS, PLC, etc.) Pump and sump pump equipment Repair and replacement options for various motor and pump related equipment Motors Pumps Sump pumps Variable frequency drives Variable speed controllers Eddy current clutch and other clutch systems Reduced voltage soft starters
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
SCOPE OF SERVICES This section describes the nature and scope of engineering services needed for the completion of NACY Garage Roof and HVAC Replacement Project. The scope of services will include, but not be limited to, those stated below. A submitted proposal must address the entire scope of services listed. Additional tasks of modifications to the scope of services that the consultant thinks will produce a more cost-effective project should be included in the proposal. The consultant must clearly define the anticipated deliverables for all additional tasks or modifications to the scope of services for this project.
For questions about the project you can contactMike Miner -
SCOPE OF SERVICES This section describes the nature and scope of engineering services needed for the completion of NACY Garage Roof and HVAC Replacement Project. The scope of services will include, but not be limited to, those stated below. A submitted proposal must address the entire scope of services listed. Additional tasks of modifications to the scope of services that the consultant thinks will produce a more cost-effective project should be included in the proposal. The consultant must clearly define the anticipated deliverables for all additional tasks or modifications to the scope of services for this project
For questions about the project you can contactMike Miner -
SCOPE OF WORK Overview The Contractor will be responsible for providing the following services: Assembling the new surface aerators and walkways Floating the aerators and walkways and connecting to the existing anchor points Mixer Assembly The mixers and walkways were purchased from S&N Airoflo and are currently staged in an open area in the SSBs. The SSBs can be used as an assembly area, as shown in Attachment A. Of the initial 6 mixers, two mixers will be installed in SSB battery 2, pond 4 (II-4), two in SSB battery 3 pond 3 (III-3) and two in SSB battery 3 pond 2 (III-2), however the locations may be subject to change. If additional optional mixer installations are requested during the optional extension period, additional installation locations will be provided. The District anticipates the potential to install up to an additional 10 mixers beyond the proposed contract term should the contract be elected to be extended by the District.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
SCOPE OF WORK: Overview Contractors are expected to provide services for the following elements, collectively referred to as “Services”: Site preparation for Contractor laydown and dewatering area (as needed) Pond solids dredging, conveyance and dewatering equipment and piping Onsite land application (spreading) of dewatered biosolids Offsite disposal of dewatered biosolids The Contractor will be responsible for dredging solids from the SSBs, dewatering, and land applying biosolids on the LDLDs at the EchoWater Facility from May 1 to October 31 and off hauling dewatered biosolids for disposal from November 1 to April 30. The District requires a year-round dredging, dewatering, and disposal operation from November 1 to October 31. If any additional offsite disposal is required during the summer months (May 1 to October 31), the District recognizes it will be at a different rate that will be assumed in the cost table. A separate optional line item for summer offsite disposal will be included in the cost table.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The work to be performed under this contract includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools and equipment for the Linda Manor and Old Florin Town Septic to Sewer Conversion (Project) located in the Rio Linda and Florin areas of Sacramento County, CA (location map shown in Drawings). The Project includes construction of the following items: Construction of approximately 9,485 linear feet of 8-inch Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) by open cut. Construction of approximately 55 linear feet of 21-inch RCP Class III or Vitrified Clay Jacking Pipe (VCP-J) casing by bore and jack. Construction of approximately 95 linear feet of 16-inch PS-115 ASTM F679 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) by open cut construction. Construction of approximately 13,475 linear feet of 4-inch and 6-inch High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) service laterals by open cut and/or Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD). Connecting approximately 114 service laterals to existing septic plumbing on private property, abandoning approximately 115 existing septic systems by removing cover, pumping dry, puncturing bottom, and filling void. Disconnect septic plumbing and leach lines and abandon in place.
For questions about the project you can contactKen Murray (916) 875-1999 -
SCOPE OF WORK:The Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) is soliciting proposals for qualified contractors to perform ON CALL SEWER GROUTING services throughout the SacSewer service area. SacSewer’s Mission: Protecting public health and the environment by collecting, treating, and recovering resources from sewage. To reduce sanitary sewer spills and meet our mission, SacSewer is creating a contractor list for ON CALL SEWER GROUTING SERVICES. Contractors who are placed on the list will be chosen to complete projects including, but not limited to: Grouting of manholes. Grouting of joints in main lines. Grouting of joints in lower laterals. Preliminary inspection, debris removal, and cleaning of sanitary sewer: main lines, manholes, and lower laterals. Internal manhole repairs. Perform pre-grouting television inspection (TVI). Provide post-grouting TVI.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project includes demolition of existing chiller equipment and associated auxiliary equipment and accessories; construction of new chillers, associated mechanical equipment piping, accessories in the old blower room of the existing Influent/Effluent Building, installation of new electrical power feed system including outdoor transformers, indoor switchgears and MCCs in the electrical room of the Influent Effluent Building and associated instrumentation controls and architectural and structural improvements. Includes execution of Appendix A, Transformer Procurement Novation Contract, including but not limited to processing shop drawings, and O&M manuals, seismic anchorage calculations, unloading and storage of equipment, installation of equipment, electrical testing, start-up, and all other work associated with the procurements not included in the procurement contract as work by the transformer Supplier. Note: Estimated contract cost listed herein does not include cost of transformer equipment procurement contract. Cost of the transformers is accounted for as a separate line item on the cost response page.
For questions about the project you can contactGerardo Aguirre -
SCOPE OF SERVICES SacSewer prepared a list of tasks necessary for completing this project, which must be used as a basis for the proposal. A submitted proposal must address the entire scope of services listed. In the proposal, the Consultant may include additional tasks or modify the current task list to provide a more effective project.
For questions about the project you can contactMy Huynh -
SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT is retained to provide and perform the scope of services covered by this Agreement. CONSULTANT, including CONSULTANT’S assigned personnel, shall have no authority to represent SacSewer or SacSewer staff at any meetings of public or private agencies unless an appropriate SacSewer official provides prior written authorization for such representation which outlines the purpose, scope and duration of such representation. CONSULTANT shall possess no authority or right to act on behalf of SacSewer in any capacity whatsoever as agent, nor to bind SacSewer to any obligations whatsoever. SacSewer is responsible for making all policy and governmental decisions related to the work covered by this Agreement.
For questions about the project you can contactElizabeth Bonilla -
SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services will include but are not limited to those denoted below. A submitted proposal must address the entire scope of services listed. The project is scheduled for a duration of two years. During this period, the consultant is required to conduct and record a comprehensive field survey and assessment of the cathodic protection systems of Sacsewer, as detailed in Attachment A. A complete evaluation of the Cathodic Protection (CP) system is planned for the conclusion of the two-year term. This evaluation will establish a benchmark for comparison against the results of the preceding testing period, determining which CP systems will necessitate increased testing frequency going forward.
For questions about the project you can contactRon Baptista -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing of all labor, materials, tools and equipment for the Upper Dry Creek Interceptor Relief Project, to relieve the Dry Creek Interceptor of capacity deficiencies experienced under existing wet weather and future buildout conditions. The Work consists of installation of approximately 9,200 linear feet of 36-inch gravity sewer, the installation of 19 sanitary sewer manholes, modification to an existing SacSewer sanitary sewer structure, construction of a new junction structure, the rehabilitation of three (3) CMP culverts, and pavement restoration. Most of the Work is in public right-of-way, however some of the work is located on private property and on McClellan Airport (County) property. The entire project is within the unincorporated County of Sacramento, California.
For questions about the project you can contactCatherine Armstrong (916) 876-7297 -
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construct a new septage receiving station at the EchoWater Facility, which includes a new access road, automatic washdown system, area lighting and underground utilities.
For questions about the project you can contactScott Mueller -
SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services will include but are not limited to those denoted below. A submitted proposal must address the entire scope of services listed. The selected consultant will provide the following: Project kickoff design meeting Structural Engineering design, including plans and specifications Design review meetings Engineer’s estimate Permit application Bid Support – plan for one addendum Engineering services during construction.
For questions about the project you can
SCOPE OF WORK The intent of the work described in these construction documents for the Primary Deck Rehab Project – Phase 4 is to repair damaged or otherwise deteriorated elements, and to reestablish structural capacities intended by the original structural drawings. The scope of work includes the following, limited in general to the Primary Sedimentation Structure of the Echowater Facility: Demolition and recasting of delaminated, damaged or otherwise deteriorated concrete. Demolition, replacement, or repair of damaged or otherwise deteriorated hatch covers and hatch frame elements. Cleaning and recoating of selected damaged or otherwise deteriorated slide gate frames. Fabrication of new stainless-steel elements.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT is retained to provide and perform the scope of services covered by this Agreement. CONSULTANT, including CONSULTANT’S assigned personnel, shall have no authority to represent SacSewer or SacSewer staff at any meetings of public or private agencies unless an appropriate SacSewer official provides prior written authorization for such representation which outlines the purpose, scope and duration of such representation. CONSULTANT shall possess no authority or right to act on behalf of SacSewer in any capacity whatsoever as agent, nor to bind SacSewer to any obligations whatsoever. SacSewer is responsible for making all policy and governmental decisions related to the work covered by this Agreement.
For questions about the project you can contactMy Huynh -
SCOPE OF WORK: This Request for Proposal (RFP) is to establish a three-year contract for UNDERWATER DIVING INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES as required by the Sacramento Area Sewer District (EchoWater Facility). Specifically, EchoWater Facility is seeking to obtain several primary contractors to perform the work that is further described under each Scope of Work. All work furnished shall be provided in accordance with contract specifications and terms and conditions set forth herein. The District reserves the right to extend the contract period for two (2) additional one-year periods. Such extension(s) will be at the District’s option, subject to same specifications, terms, conditions, favorable prices, and agreement between the Contractor and the District.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
SCOPE OF WORK 1. Runoff zone liner cleaning Contractor shall clean the runoff zone polypropylene geomembrane liners at Lined Dedicated Land Disposal (LDLD) 2 at the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility (EchoWater Facility), 8521 Laguna Station Road, Elk Grove, California 95758. Cleaning shall include, but not limited to, removal of all dirt, mud, sand, harvested sludge, grass weeds, and other miscellaneous vegetation and debris. Cleaning shall include all areas of the runoff zone liners, including the floors and the sloped areas.
For questions about the project you can contactJustin Kwok -
SCOPE OF WORK CONTROLS: Microprocessor Control System: • Furnish and install a new, non-proprietary, microprocessor-based control and drive system. Dispatcher: • Furnish and install a new microprocessor-based dispatch system on all multi-car banks which shall be incorporated integrally into the control cabinets of the new controller(s). MACHINES & MOTORS: • Hoist Machine: Furnish and install new hoist machine, blocking beams, and related hardware. • Sheaves: Furnish and install new sheaves. Flush and add grease where needed. • Hoist Ropes: Furnish and install new hoist ropes designed for elevator usage. • Hoist Motor: Furnish and install new hoist motor on the existing machine: • Hoist Machine Brake: Furnish and install new machine brake.
For questions about the project you can contactMatthew Mckimmy (916) 875-9145 -
SacSewer (EchoWater) operates the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility in Elk Grove, CA. SacSewer recently completed construction of the BNR and PEPS facilities as part of the EchoWater Project. Soil erosion has occurred on various earthen slopes adjacent to these newly constructed facilities.
For questions about the project you can contactScott Mueller at
SCOPE OF THE WORK: SacSewer (EchoWater)operates the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility in Elk Grove, CA. EchoWater has a 96-inch steel pipe manifold that is associated with the effluent discharge system. This system has been in service since the late 1970’s and the header has not been maintained or serviced due to the location and the difficulty accessing it. A recent condition assessment of the 96-inch effluent manifold showed significant deterioration of the cold tar epoxy coating. Qualified industrial contractors are requested to provide quotes to blast and recoat the header.
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
SCOPE OF WORK: SacSewer (EchoWater)operates the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility in Elk Grove, CA. EchoWater has 24 circular Secondary Sedimentation Tanks (SSTs) which are a key component of the treatment process. The SSTs are large- 130 feet in diameter and 24 feet deep and they have a capacity of almost 2 (two) million gallons each. They were built approximately 30 years ago and are in increasing need of repair and rehabilitation. A recent condition assessment of all SSTs showed significant deterioration of the coatings and at the steel beam connection to the outer perimeter wall. Qualified industrial contractors are requested to provide quotes to blast and recoat the entire area of tank 7 & 11(steel and concrete)
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
SCOPE OF WORK SacSewer (EchoWater) operates the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility in Elk Grove, CA. SacSewer also owns the historic Nicolaus Dairy farm property which has undergone significant restoration efforts in the past few years. This project will install a new metered potable waterline to provide the Nicolaus Dairy farm with a potable water supply to feed existing onsite infrastructure.
For questions about the project you can contactEvelyn Trinh -
G SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT is retained to provide and perform the scope of services covered by this Agreement. CONSULTANT, including CONSULTANT’S assigned personnel, shall have no authority to represent SacSewer or SacSewer staff at any meetings of public or private agencies unless an appropriate SacSewer official provides prior written authorization for such representation which outlines the purpose, scope and duration of such representation. CONSULTANT shall possess no authority or right to act on behalf of SacSewer in any capacity whatsoever as agent, nor to bind SacSewer to any obligations whatsoever. SacSewer is responsible for making all policy and governmental decisions related to the work covered by this Agreement.
For questions about the project you can contactDaniel Freeman -
SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT is retained to provide and perform the scope of services covered by this Agreement. CONSULTANT, including CONSULTANT’S assigned personnel, shall have no authority to represent SacSewer or SacSewer staff at any meetings of public or private agencies unless an appropriate SacSewer official provides prior written authorization for such representation which outlines the purpose, scope and duration of such representation. CONSULTANT shall possess no authority or right to act on behalf of SacSewer in any capacity whatsoever as agent, nor to bind SacSewer to any obligations whatsoever. SacSewer is responsible for making all policy and governmental decisions related to the work covered by this Agreement.
For questions about the project you can contactRonald Baptista -
SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT is retained to provide and perform the scope of services covered by this Agreement. CONSULTANT, including CONSULTANT’S assigned personnel, shall have no authority to represent SacSewer or SacSewer staff at any meetings of public or private agencies unless an appropriate SacSewer official provides prior written authorization for such representation which outlines the purpose, scope and duration of such representation. CONSULTANT shall possess no authority or right to act on behalf of SacSewer in any capacity whatsoever as agent, nor to bind SacSewer to any obligations whatsoever. SacSewer is responsible for making all policy and governmental decisions related to the work covered by this Agreement.
For questions about the project you can contactVicki Fry -
Scope of Work: The successful proposer will provide all required parts and retrofit installation service per the SacSewer drawing package in Appendix A for a fully operational replacement of the VFD including: Carefully disconnect and remove the existing internal VFD boards/circuits and related parts, and provide them to the District wrapped in anti-static wrapping and packaged with labeling. It will be used as spare parts for similar units at other pump station sites. Relocate/reused existing parts to make room for the new drive and rewire per SacSewer drawing sets. Provide and install the new VFDs. Provide startup services, testing and commissioning a proper working VFD system. Provide as-built markups on the SacSewer drawing sets, including the relocated existing parts (attach additional sheet if needed for the final locations in the cabinet). Provide O&M manuals and warranties outlined for the supplied equipment
For questions about the project you can contactRobert Salinas (916) 875-9013 -
THIS PROJECT INCLUDES EchoWater Facility Chiller Replacement Project Transformer Pre-Contract with Assignment to Installation Contractor
For questions about the project you can contactGerardo Aguirre (916) 875-9075 -
Scope of Services Upon completion of this process, selected consultants may have the opportunity to provide engineering design services for sewer condition assessment, rehabilitation, and relief projects. SacSewer’s Capital Funding Projection currently includes approximately $100 million of relief, rehabilitation, and other capital projects over the next three years.
For questions about the project you can contactMike Miner -
For questions about the project you can contactTamblynn Stewart (916) 875-9014 -
Scope of Services Upon completion of this process, selected consultants may have the opportunity to provide engineering design services for sewer condition assessment, rehabilitation, and relief projects. SacSewer’s Capital Funding Projection currently includes approximately $100 million of relief, rehabilitation, and other capital projects over the next three years
For questions about the project you can contactMike Miner -
SCOPE OF WORK CONSULTANT is retained to provide and perform the scope of services covered by this Agreement. CONSULTANT, including CONSULTANT’S assigned personnel, shall have no authority to represent SacSewer or SacSewer staff at any meetings of public or private agencies unless an appropriate SacSewer official provides prior written authorization for such representation which outlines the purpose, scope and duration of such representation. CONSULTANT shall possess no authority or right to act on behalf of SacSewer in any capacity whatsoever as agent, nor to bind SacSewer to any obligations whatsoever. SacSewer is responsible for making all policy and governmental decisions related to the work covered by this Agreement.
For questions about the project you can contactDaniel Freeman