Projects for Elk Grove City

  1. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Grant Line Business Park Sign Project. The project reference number is WCE037 (UPCCAA) with a bid deadline on 02/04/2025. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 133440. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall include but not be limited to the following: fabrication and installation of gateway sign at the southeast corner of Waterman Road and Grant Line Road. The Plans, with details specified are provided to the Contractor, which they shall in turn use to create Shop Drawings consistent with those Plans to fabricate the sign. The Work shall consist of but not be limited to the following: Fabrication of the gateway sign Prepare location to receive the new sign including post footing, fabricate, and install fabricated gateway sign. Provide electrical power at the gateway sign for the illuminated light for the sign. Clearing and grubbing, Installation of cobble, header board and decomposed granite repair. The Project shall result in the fabrication and installation of illuminated gateway sign as shown on the Plans and as specified in these Project specifications and Contract Documents.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  2. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, FY 2025 Citywide Crack Seal Project (MP2501). The project reference number is MP2501 with a bid deadline on 01/30/2025. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 672190. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: placing crack seal treatment on various streets throughout the City. Streets included are listed in Appendices A (Base Bid – Streets List) and C (Add Alternate A – Streets List) and shown in Appendices B (Base Bid – Location Map) and D (Add Alternate A – Location Map) (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  3. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 9260 Elk Grove Boulevard Library Improvements Project. The project reference number is WFC046 (Rebid) with a bid deadline on 12/12/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 10984000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: renovation of a former pharmacy building and one-time interim homeless shelter into a library. It is a full interior renovation with associated Site Work, library stack systems, and limited exterior modification to add and expand openings (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  4. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 9260 Elk Grove Boulevard Library Improvements Project. The project reference number is WFC046 with a bid deadline on 10/29/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 10964000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: This Project is the renovation of a former pharmacy building and one time interim homeless shelter into a library. It is a full interior renovation with associated Site Work, library stack systems, and limited exterior modification to add and expand openings (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  5. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 9499 E. Stockton Electrical Improvements Project (FM2203). The project reference number is FM2203 UPCCAA with a bid deadline on 10/07/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 35000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Description of Work: The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: installation of improvements to electrical system from electrical panel “BB” and “BA” at Project Site location per the Plans and Specifications (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  6. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 9499 E. Stockton HVAC Replacement Project. The project reference number is FM2203 UPCCAA with a bid deadline on 09/20/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 50000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The Scope of Work shall be performed in accordance with this Contract, Supplemental Information, Exhibits, Attachments, Plans and other Contract documents. The proposed Work shall include but not be limited to the following: remove existing 12.5-ton ground level package unit and replace with new 12.5-ton ground level unit (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  7. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 2024 Pavement Maintenance Project – Overlay. The project reference number is WPR024 with a bid deadline on 08/15/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 2251865. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: repair pavement along Grant Line Road and Laguna Boulevard, replace detector loops, and re-stripe traffic striping (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  8. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Permanent Shared Housing Conversion of 8679 Adamstown Way Project – Phase 3 (New Construction). The project reference number is NSP-2022-01 with a bid deadline on 08/20/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 532600. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: site and tenant improvements at the City owned, unoccupied facility located at 8679 Adamstown Way Elk Grove, CA 95624. The Project shall result in Contractor performing an interior remodel of an existing house to convert a portion of the garage into habitable space, convert living room into a new bedroom, add new exterior patios, walkways, and landscaping. The completed Project will have seven (7) bedrooms, two and a half (2-1/2) bathrooms, new fixtures, new appliances, new HVAC equipment plus ductwork, new casework, and new finishes throughout (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  9. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Public Works – Citywide Trash Removal. The project reference number is OM2407 with a bid deadline on 07/11/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 600000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to providing citywide trash removal, and other related items as directed by the Engineer (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  10. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Public Works – Public Infrastructure Maintenance (PIM) REBID. The project reference number is OM2404 with a bid deadline on 06/27/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 893448. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: providing Public Works – Public Infrastructure Maintenance, and other related items as directed by the Engineer (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  11. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 2024 Pavement Maintenance Project – Slurry Seal and Pavement Resurfacing (WPR024). The project reference number is WPR024 with a bid deadline on 05/16/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 4037804. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: place slurry seal, micro-surfacing, two layer treatment system, adjust utility frames and covers, and re-stripe various streets throughout the City (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  12. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, On-call Concrete Services – Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks, and Related Items (OM2405). The project reference number is OM2405 with a bid deadline on 05/14/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 322849. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: remove and replace concrete sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, ADA access ramps, including adjacent hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, root removals, install detectable warning surface (DWS), and other related items as directed by the Engineer (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  13. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Laguna Creek Trail and West Stockton Blvd. Multi Modal Improvements and Elk Grove Trail Gap Closure. The project reference number is WAM009 (Federal Project: STPL-5479(068)) with a bid deadline on 05/09/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 2636000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: clearing and grubbing, tree removals, earthwork, drainage facilities, new asphalt path, curb ramps, Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon, crack sealing, pavement repairs, micro-surfacing, traffic signs, striping, and markings, erosion control, landscaping, and other related elements. The Laguna Creek Trail and West Stockton Blvd. Multi Modal Improvements Project includes resurfacing approximately 2,800 feet of Class I multi-use trail parallel and south of West Stockton Blvd. and will replace 34 non-compliant ADA curb ramps, installing detectable warning surfaces at commercial driveways along Lewis Stein Road. The Project includes a pedestrian crossing with a Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RRFB) along West Stockton Blvd. The Elk Grove Trail Gap Closure Project includes construction of a new Class 1 Bikeway along the south side of Elk Grove Creek and addition of bicycle lanes along Laguna Springs Drive. (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  14. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Traffic Signal and Streetlight Maintenance (OM2403). The project reference number is OM2403 with a bid deadline on 05/02/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 289080. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: maintenance of the City’s traffic signals and streetlights. This Work includes programmed and reactive maintenance, emergency Work, and any extra Work related to traffic signals and streetlight maintenance (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  15. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Citywide Traffic Signal Enhancement and Congestion Relief Project. The project reference number is WTR094 with a bid deadline on 04/23/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 10579100. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Description of Work: The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: upgrades to the City’s traffic signal communication network with added fiber optic lines and signal connections, and enhanced copper ethernet switches. The Project will include improvements at one hundred three (103) intersections by adding video detection, replacement of traffic signal backplates with reflective yellow ones, and replacement of 8-inch signal heads with 12-inch heads. The Project will also include an adaptive traffic signal corridor on Elk Grove Boulevard from Backer Ranch Road to Elk Grove Florin Road (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

  16. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Fy2024 Streetlight Restoration Project (OM2402). The project reference number is OM2402 with a bid deadline on 03/28/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 123750. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: painting treatment for streetlights on various streets throughout the City (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  17. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 2024 Pavement Maintenance Project – Pavement Repairs (WPR024). The project reference number is WPR024 with a bid deadline on 03/28/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 2024000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: repair existing HMA pavement at various locations throughout the City; and widen the southbound lane on Lousada Drive from the intersection of Whitelock Parkway to ninety (90) feet north of Greylag Way; including paving, salvaging and re-installing drainage inlets, and installing sidewalk, curb and gutter, and curb ramps (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  18. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Southeast Industrial Area Storm Drain Improvements Project Phase 2. The project reference number is WDR052 with a bid deadline on 03/19/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 1195000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: construction of 1,300 feet of 60-inch storm drainpipe along the Waterman Road Extension, approximately 1900 feet southeast of the intersection of Grant Line Road and Waterman Road (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  19. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, 2024 Pavement Maintenance Project – ADA and Concrete Repairs (WPR024). The project reference number is WPR024 with a bid deadline on 02/15/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 1346000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: reconstruct existing concrete curb ramps and sidewalks at various locations throughout the City (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  20. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Citywide Curb Ramps 2024. The project reference number is (WAC037) (CDBG-2023-06) with a bid deadline on 03/12/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 582000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: reconstruct existing concrete curb ramps including signing and striping at various locations throughout the City (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  21. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Permanent Shared Housing Conversion of 8679 Adamstown Way Project (Phase 1 Demolition and Phase 2 Mold Remediation. The project reference number is NSP-2022-01 with a bid deadline on 02/21/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 124800. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: site and tenant improvements at the City owned, unoccupied facility located at 8679 Adamstown Way, Elk Grove, CA 95624. The Project will result in interior demolition, fungal/mold contamination remediation, property cleaning, and roof repair for watertight building envelope (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kim Brown 916-627-3316

  22. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Fy2024 Citywide Crack Seal Project (OM2401). The project reference number is OM2401 with a bid deadline on 02/08/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 883721. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: placing crack seal treatment on various streets and parking lots throughout the City (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  23. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Fy2024 Thermoplastic Restriping Project (MP2403). The project reference number is MP2403 with a bid deadline on 01/18/2024. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 163300. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The proposed Work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other Contract Documents and shall include but not be limited to the following: restripe various streets throughout the City of Elk Grove with thermoplastic spray material (Work).

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Whitney Yann 916-687-3062

  24. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Oasis Recreation Center Play Yard. The project reference number is PC-24-001 with a bid deadline on 10/03/2023. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 216000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Scope: The work to be performed under this contract includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation and services necessary for the construction of a new play yard, including but not limited to the following: clearing, grading, drainage, irrigation, planting, and installation of: concrete flatwork, concrete curbs, concrete seat wall, pavement striping, decomposed granite, site furnishings, shade structure, and other appurtenances as required for a complete installation

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Christine Manitta (916) 405-5354

  25. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Oasis Recreation Center Play Yard. The project reference number is PC-24-001 with a bid deadline on 10/03/2023. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 216000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Scope: The work to be performed under this contract includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, transportation and services necessary for the construction of a new play yard, including but not limited to the following: clearing, grading, drainage, irrigation, planting, and installation of: concrete flatwork, concrete curbs, concrete seat wall, pavement striping, decomposed granite, site furnishings, shade structure, and other appurtenances as required for a complete installation.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    916) 405-5354

  26. The Elk Grove City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades at 4 Locations (WAM010) (Federal Project Number: HSIP5479(063)) and Guardrail Replacement at 4 Locations (WTR059) (Federal project Number: HSIP5479(062)). The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 09/06/2023. Located in n-Sacramento / Napa / Yolo / Solano / San Joaquin county, the project has an estimated budget of 713800. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Description of Work: The proposed work shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications and other contract documents and shall consist of the following: The Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades at 4 Locations (WAM010) includes installation of curb ramps, crosswalks, advance yield signs, Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB), and associated advanced warning signs. The Project is located at four (4) existing trail crossings; three (3) on Ryland Trail at Laguna Park Drive, Adobe Springs Way and Bertwin Way, and one (1) at Laguna Creek Trail and Stonebrook Drive.

    For questions about the project you can contact