Projects for Berkeley City

  1. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Urgent Sewer Repair Project FY 2025. The project reference number is 25-11693-C with a bid deadline on 01/23/2025. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 850000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work to be done consists of, but is not limited to: Point (spot) repairs of 6-inch diameter and 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains, lower laterals and lateral connections to the main at various locations. Please note that the work requires coordination with City and private property owners. Open cut replacement (“Method “C”) of 40 linear feet of 8-inch and 6-inch sanitary sewer pipe. Pipe bursting (Method “B”) of 596 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer pipe. Traffic Control Plans (TCP) must be prepared to avoid and minimize construction impacts on pedestrian, bicycle, and bus facilities in Berkeley consistent with the City’s policies. TCPs must follow the guidance and intent provided in APPENDIX 10. Many of the works sites are located within City of Berkeley Fire Zone 2 and are subjected to restrictions imposed during Red-Flag fire hazard warnings.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Francisco Alonso

  2. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Curbside Chipper Program. The project reference number is 25-11697-C with a bid deadline on 01/07/2025. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES Brief Summary The contractor will provide approximately 28 weeks of curbside chipping service between mid-March and mid December (hereinafter, “the season”) at locations within the City of Berkeley. During the season, Contractor will be responsible for running two (2) chipping crews simultaneously during the work week. At the conclusion of each day, crews will visit a local facility, designated by City of Berkeley (hereinafter, “The City”), to weigh and deposit chipped material.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Colin Arnold

  3. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation. The project reference number is 25-11688-C with a bid deadline on 01/14/2025. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 5553180. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work to be done consists of but is not limited to: Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner (Method “A”) of approximately 6,375 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe ranging in size from 20-inch to 45-inch diameter. Pipe Bursting (Method “B”) or Traditional Open Trench (Method “C”), at the discretion of the Contractor, of approximately 285 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe ranging in size from 8-inch to 20-inch diameter. Traditional Open Trench (Method “C”) of approximately 575 linear feet of 24-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains. Reconstruction of all lower laterals including lateral connections, approximately 387 linear feet, to the main and two-way cleanouts and point (spot) repairs of sanitary sewer mains, approximately 327 feet, of various pipe sizes. The work requires coordination with City and private property owners. Construction and rehabilitation of maintenance holes including excavation and related work.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Felix Meneau

  4. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Housing Trust Fund Application 2024 Rehabilitation RFP. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 02/06/2025. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 6000000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Overview: Describe the project in detail Include an overall description of the project as well as the current status of site acquisition, planning approvals, and financial commitments. Indicate the type of structure, number of stories, and number of parking spaces planned.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Lourdes Chang

  5. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Strawberry Creek Culvert Maintenance Project – Phase 1. The project reference number is 25-11689-C with a bid deadline on 12/19/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 500000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work to be performed under these specifications is divided into two parts: Base Bid (Package A) and Bid Alternate (Package B). The work to be performed under these specifications generally includes but is not limited to: Structural repairs and geopolymer lining rehabilitation of concrete creek culverts ranging in size from 96-inch x 60-inch horseshoe cross section to 90-inch diameter circular sections; installation of a new creek access structure, modification of an existing access structure, installation of hatches, dewatering, vehicular and pedestrian traffic control, and other related work.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Ricardo Salcedo

  6. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Fire Station No. 2 Remodel. The project reference number is Spec- 23-11575-C with a bid deadline on 12/19/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 1406000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    New HVAC system and electrical upgrades, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 182 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Priya Chopra, Associate Civil Engineer
    Phone: (510) 981-6338

  7. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, FY 2025 Curb Ramp Improvement Project. The project reference number is 25-11679-C with a bid deadline on 10/24/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 2600000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work – FY 2025 CURB RAMP IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: The work done under these specifications includes but is not limited to: tree removal, traffic control, adjustment of survey monument and utility boxes, frames, and covers, protection of underground utility services (e.g., gas, water, sewer, electrical, telecom), concrete sidewalk, concrete driveways, concrete valley gutter, concrete curb, curb, and gutter, curb ramps, storm drain infrastructure improvements, asphalt concrete paving, and curb painting.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Terrence Salonga

  8. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Southwest Berkeley Bikeway and Bus Stop Improvements. The project reference number is 24-11640-C & 24-11666-C with a bid deadline on 10/22/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 2400000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Services The work includes preparation and submittal of a Construction Phasing Plan, as well as Traffic Control Plans for each phase of work. The Contractor is responsible to obtain and comply with all necessary permits and approvals to perform the work. The Contractor is also responsible for coordinating its work with other upcoming and ongoing projects, operations, and maintenance activities by others

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kenneth Jung

  9. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Sacramento Street Pedestrian Safety Project. The project reference number is 24-11643-C with a bid deadline on 10/03/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 800000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work and Engineer’s Estimate. In general, the Work will consist of: Median and pedestrian refuge demolition and construction at four intersections, Curb ramp demolition and construction and associated sidewalk installation at two corners, Slurry seal and new pavement striping along approximately ½-mile of Sacramento Street (from Oregon Street to Fairview Street), Solar-powered Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) installation at three intersections, and Sign and delineator installation at seven intersections.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Jesse Peoples

  10. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Ohlone Park Restroom and Lighting. The project reference number is 24-11649-C with a bid deadline on 10/17/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 906000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Installation of a pre-fabricated dual stall restroom, lighting improvements throughout the park, and related site and utility improvements, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 150 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    (510) 981-6738

  11. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park – Upper Plaza Improvements. The project reference number is 24-11658-C with a bid deadline on 09/24/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 1180000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Work of Contract comprises all work on drawings listed in Document 00 0115, List of Drawings, Tables and Schedules and the Project Manual, including but not limited to the following: Site improvements including the demolition and replacement of existing pathways and flagstone paving, ADA access improvements, grading and drainage improvements, fencing, furnishings, landscaping and irrigation, utilities, protection of existing trees and artwork World Wall of Peace, and other site amenities. Work includes ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 120 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Canhui Li (510) 981-6432

  12. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Fy 2023 Street Light Maintenance Project. The project reference number is 24-11668-C with a bid deadline on 09/19/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 425000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    The work done under these specifications includes but is not limited to: traffic control, removal of Street light poles including fixtures, installing new poles, and light fixture & luminaire of the old poles on the new poles

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Juan Guillermo Jaramillo, Assistant Public Works Engineer,
    by email at

  13. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Portable Toilet Services. The project reference number is 24-11670-C with a bid deadline on 08/27/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the NIB. Summary:

    The City of Berkeley is soliciting written proposals from qualified firms or individuals for rental and service for portable sanitary units and handwashing stations

    For questions about the project you can contact

    City of Berkeley
    Finance Department/General Services Division

  14. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, On-call Landscape Architectural Services. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 08/27/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES The scopes of services for specific projects will be determined at the time when the City solicits task order proposals. The consultant will work closely with the City Parks, Recreation and Waterfront staff, and may work with staff from other departments or with other City-hired consultants. The City may furnish existing plans, surveys, studies, as-builts, geotechnical reports, etc. as available. The scope of the work for each project may include, but is not limited to, the following work items: the renovation of existing ball fields and ball courts; picnic and play areas; trails and open spaces; parking, pathways, and sidewalks; grading and drainage improvements, C.3 provisions for the City of Berkeley and Alameda County; renovation of existing historic structures; implementation of ADA guidelines, code compliance; lighting improvements; and landscape and irrigation renovation for greater water and energy efficiency, etc.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Accounts Payable 510-981-7310

  15. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, On-call Planning and Environmental Services. The project reference number is 24-11672-C with a bid deadline on 09/03/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES The City will compile a list of pre-qualified Planning Consultants (Consultants), who would be available on short-term notice to provide planning and environmental services as needed. The contract for planning and environmental services would establish the parameters for future project-specific work as described herein.

    For questions about the project you can contact

  16. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Miyawaki Forest Design and Installation Proposals Will Not Be Opened and Read Publicly. The project reference number is 24-11665-C with a bid deadline on 08/29/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES: The contract is anticipated to begin in the fall/winter of 2024. The proposal shall include three years of maintenance to ensure establishment of the installed plants and avoid establishment of weeds and/or any other adventitious plants that naturally occur in the delineated areas. The planting palette shall consist of species of trees, shrubs, and plants that are native to Berkeley and the surrounding region, unless otherwise stated. A list of the plants being proposed for installation shall be submitted with the proposal. Existing trees shall be incorporated into the design. Proposals shall include a plan of the overall design. This includes the irrigation and planting plans, paths to allow some access through the forests, and educational signage describing Miyawaki forests and plant identification.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Thomas Dodge

  17. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Telegraph-Channing Parking Garage Restroom Renovation & Elevator Improvements. The project reference number is 22-11535-C with a bid deadline on 08/13/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 3300000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Renovation of four (4) restrooms, improvement of existing elevators, and replacement of existing walkway, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 350 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Titus Chen (510) 981-6410

  18. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, On-call Landscape Architectural Services Proposals Will Not Be Opened and Read Publicly. The project reference number is 24-11667-C with a bid deadline on 08/06/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES The scopes of services for specific projects will be determined at the time when the City solicits task order proposals. The consultant will work closely with the City Parks, Recreation and Waterfront staff, and may work with staff from other departments or with other City-hired consultants. The City may furnish existing plans, surveys, studies, as-builts, geotechnical reports, etc. as available. The scope of the work for each project may include, but is not limited to, the following work items: the renovation of existing ball fields and ball courts; picnic and play areas; trails and open spaces; parking, pathways, and sidewalks; grading and drainage improvements, C.3 provisions for the City of Berkeley and Alameda County; renovation of existing historic structures; implementation of ADA guidelines, code compliance; lighting improvements; and landscape and irrigation renovation for greater water and energy efficiency, etc.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Christy Cheung

  19. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Fire Warehouse Interior and Site Improvement Project. The project reference number is 24-11654-C with a bid deadline on 08/27/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 535000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Interior upgrades and site improvements to the Fire Warehouse, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 168 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Uriel Gonzalez (510) 981-6627

  20. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Central Children’s Storytime Room Remodel. The project reference number is 24-11639-C with a bid deadline on 07/16/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the NIB. Summary:

    Project description: A non-structural interior renovation and tenant improvement project in the children’s collection room and story time room on the fourth floor of the Berkeley Public Library’s Central Library as specified in the Berkeley Public Library Children’s Storytime Room Construction Document Set created by Anderson Brulé Architects, Inc., 325 South First Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113 (March 2023). Selective demolition and replacement of existing interior floor and wall finishes. New casework to accommodate storage needs of story time room. Sealing of decommissioned (e) fireplace and converting to seating in compliance with applicable CA Building codes and as defined in the attached.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Henry Bankhead

  21. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Street Rehabilitation Fy 2024. The project reference number is 24-11624-C with a bid deadline on 05/23/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 12650000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF WORK The work of the STREET REHABILITATION FY 2024 project consists of the following components:  Street Rehabilitation Work. The work done under this component includes but is not limited to: traffic control, environmental protections, adjustment of valve boxes and utility boxes, frames, and covers, replacement of survey monuments, protection of underground utility services (e.g. gas, water, sewer, electrical, telecom), concrete curbs and gutters, sidewalk, curb ramps, driveways, cross drains at curb ramps, valley gutters, concrete traffic diverter and circle, drainage, base failure repairs, ARAM cape seal, cold planing, removal and disposal of pavement surfaces and base materials, stabilization, paving mat, hot-mix asphalt (HMA), speed tables, pavement markings, striping, markers, signage, and traffic loops as specified.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Randy (Wai) Kong

  22. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Central Children’s Storytime Room Remodel. The project reference number is 24-11639-C (Reissue) with a bid deadline on 04/30/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project description: A non-structural interior renovation and tenant improvement project in the children’s collection room and story time room on the fourth floor of the Berkeley Public Library’s Central Library as specified in the Berkeley Public Library Children’s Storytime Room Construction Document Set created by Anderson Brulé Architects, Inc., 325 South First Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113 (March 2023). Selective demolition and replacement of existing interior floor and wall finishes. New casework to accommodate storage needs of story time room. Sealing of decommissioned (e) fireplace and converting to seating in compliance with applicable CA Building codes

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Henry Bankhead

  23. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, FY 2023 Retaining Wall and Storm Drain Improvement Project. The project reference number is 23-11616-C & 23-11614-C with a bid deadline on 05/16/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 1900000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work of the FY 2023 RETAINING WALL AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT consists of the following components: • Retaining Wall and Storm Drain Improvement – “Bid Package A”. The work done under this component includes but is not limited to: traffic control; potholing; protection of underground utilities; survey monument and utility cover adjustments; tree removals; stump grinding; removal and replacement of retaining wall asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, sidewalk, and curb & gutter; retaining wall crack sealing; storm drain maintenance hole removal and replacement; removal and replacement of metal fence; removal and replacement of guardrails; pavement marker placement; and roadway sign installation

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Randy Kong

  24. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, North Berkeley Senior Center Power, Data, & Kitchen Upgrades. The project reference number is 22-11495 with a bid deadline on 05/16/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 150000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Interior surface-mounted electrical and data raceway upgrades and the replacement of gas-fired kitchen appliances with electrical appliances, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 84 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Uriel Gonzalez (510) 981-6627

  25. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Second Street STAIR Center. The project reference number is 23-11603-C with a bid deadline on 04/04/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 700000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Site improvements for placement of pre-manufactured singleoccupancy shelters, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 98 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Titus Chen (510) 981-6410

  26. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Berkeley Water Transportation Pier Ferry Project Environmental Support Services. The project reference number is 24-11627-C with a bid deadline on 03/26/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES The Final Scope of Services will be developed with the selected firm. The selected firm will assist with environmental review and permitting services in support of the Berkeley Water Transportation Pier Ferry (BWTPF) Project. The Final Scope of Services is anticipated to include, but not be limited to, the following tasks Regular, bi-weekly meetings with City Project Manager to coordinate overall work Coordination with Design Team regarding project alternatives, scope, impacts and mitigation measures Coordination with other City consultants (including but not limited to existing Parking & Transportation Consultants) as needed to deliver project environmental documents and permits

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Liza McNulty

  27. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Central Children’s Storytime Room Remodel. The project reference number is 24-11369-C with a bid deadline on 04/04/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project description: A non-structural interior renovation and tenant improvement project in the children’s collection room and story time room on the fourth floor of the Berkeley Public Library’s Central Library as specified in the Berkeley Public Library Children’s Storytime Room Construction Document Set created by Anderson Brulé Architects, Inc. 325 South First Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113 (March 2023). Selective demolition and replacement of existing interior floor and wall finishes. New casework to accommodate storage needs of story time room. Sealing of decommissioned (e) fireplace and converting to seating in compliance with applicable CA Building codes and as defined in the attached

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Henry Bankhead

  28. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Berkeley Marina Docks D & E Replacement. The project reference number is 24-11633-C with a bid deadline on 03/14/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 6600000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Replacement of Marina Docks D & E, including demolition of existing docks, procurement and installation new dock float system, gangway, concrete piling, utilities and ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 180 Working Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run and per the breakdown below: 20 Total Working Days – includes Phase 1 Demolition (in-water components) to be completed before October 15, 2024 160 Total Working Days – includes Phase 2 Demolition (landside components), and all the remaining scope of work, including installation of landside and waterside components and improvements

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Jesus Espinoza

  29. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Berkeley Marina Dredging Project. The project reference number is 24-11644-C with a bid deadline on 03/07/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 5080000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    THIS PROJECT INCLUDES Berkeley Marina Dredging Project

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Taylor Lancelot 510.730-2118

  30. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, As-needed Hazardous Fire Fuel Treatment. The project reference number is 24-11634-C with a bid deadline on 02/15/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES The City’s Project Manager (PM) will provide Contractor with a project approximately two (2) weeks prior to the start of work. City staff will meet a contractor representative at the site prior to the commencement of work to review the specific boundaries and treatments required for the site and to review scheduling of the work. Expect that work may be on a variety of conditions on, sites ranging in size, steep slopes, and with limited access. Work may be in sensitive habitats, with specific equipment and time restrictions that will be clarified and detailed in each job order. Remove and lawfully dispose of all debris. City will provide an account at the Berkeley Transfer Station that Contractor will use to dump material.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Shanalee Gallagher

  31. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation. The project reference number is 24-11621-C with a bid deadline on 01/11/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 3900000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work to be done consists of, but is not limited to: Traffic control, replacement of approximately 7,343 linear feet of 6-inch to 15-inch diameter mains using Traditional Open-cut and Pipe Reaming methods, rehabilitation of maintenance holes, sewer main spot repairs, cold planing existing asphalt, hot mix asphalt, and related work.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Adadu Yemane (510) 981-6413

  32. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Fy 2024 Sidewalk Repair Project. The project reference number is 24-11529-C with a bid deadline on 01/11/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 3750000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work – FY 2024 SIDEWALK REPAIR PROJECT: The work done under these specifications includes but is not limited to: tree removal, traffic control, adjustment of survey monument and utility boxes, frames, and covers, protection of underground utility services (e.g., gas, water, sewer, electrical, telecom), concrete sidewalk, concrete driveways, concrete valley gutter, concrete curb, curb, and gutter, curb ramps, storm drain infrastructure improvements, asphalt concrete paving, and curb painting.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Terrence Salonga (510) 981-6400

  33. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Berkeley Water Transportation Pier Ferry Project Engineering & Design. The project reference number is SOQ - 24-11626-C with a bid deadline on 01/23/2024. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description The project will replace approximately the first 1,080 Linear Feet of the existing failed pier (as measured from the eastern-most side of the existing Pier) at the Berkeley Marina with a new pier and ferry infrastructure. Additionally, the project includes landside improvements related to the pier and ferry such as public transit, vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and Bay Trail.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Liza McNulty 510-981-7320

  34. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation. The project reference number is 24-11645-C with a bid deadline on 12/21/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 600000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work to be done consists of, but is not limited to: a) Point (spot) repairs of 6-inch diameter, 8-inch diameter, and 16-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains, lower laterals and lateral connections to the main at various locations. Please note that the work requires coordination with City and private property owners. b) Traditional Open Trench (Method “C”) of approximately 275 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Jonathan Caudillo

  35. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Tree Removal and Pruning Services. The project reference number is 23-11588-C with a bid deadline on 12/19/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. General Standards a. The contract is anticipated to begin on February 1, 2024 and continue through January 31, 2027, with an option to extend the contract for two additional years. b. Work performed must meet all requirements contained in the most recent edition of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z133 Safety Standard. c. Contractor must abide by the City of Berkeley Noise Ordinance (13.40). The Ordinance can be found on the City of Berkeley website at d. The contractor must abide by the City of Berkeley’s Pest Management Policy (Resolution No. 54,319-N.S. adopted June 2, 1988).

    For questions about the project you can contact

  36. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Hardscape Repair and Replacement for PRW. The project reference number is 24-11638-C with a bid deadline on 11/16/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall maintain pedestrian and vehicular traffic control at all times in accordance with the “Manual of Traffic Controls” issues by the State of California, Department of Transportation. No additional payment will be made to the Contractor for traffic control. See: 2. Contractor shall post “no parking” signs no later than 72 hours in advance of the time of need. Pedestrian’s access to homes and businesses in the project area shall be maintained at all times. No additional payment will be made to the Contractor for posting “no parking” signs and for maintaining residential and business access. 3. The Contractor must request permission from the Project Manager prior to towing any vehicles that may interfere with the Contractor’s progress.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Walt Vandernald,

  37. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, As-needed Hazardous Fire Fuel Treatment. The project reference number is 24-11634-C with a bid deadline on 11/21/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES General: The City’s Project Manager (PM) will provide Contractor with a project approximately two (2) weeks prior to the start of work. City staff will meet a contractor representative at the site prior to the commencement of work to review the specific boundaries and treatments required for the site and to review scheduling of the work. Contractor shall: 1) Expect that work may be on a variety of conditions on, sites ranging in size, steep slopes, and with limited access. Work may be in sensitive habitats, with specific equipment and time restrictions that will be clarified and detailed in each job order. 2) Remove and lawfully dispose of all debris. City will provide an account at the Berkeley Transfer Station that Contractor will use to dump material. 3) Complete all work within the agreed upon timeframe. The PM has the authority to extend due dates on a case by case basis.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Shanalee Gallagher

  38. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Willard Park Clubhouse &amp Restroom Replacement. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 11/14/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 6500000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Demolition of the existing, single-story clubhouse, trellis, and public restroom. Construction of a new single-story multi-purpose community building, a stand-alone public restroom and a trash enclosure. Scope includes site work, building core and shell, interior improvements, MEP, fire protection, audio alarm security systems (no CCTV). Work includes ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 395 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Stacey Rutherford (510) 981-6738

  39. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, FY 2023 Retaining Wall and Storm Drain Improvement Project. The project reference number is with a bid deadline on 11/02/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 1420000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work of the FY 2023 RETAINING WALL AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT consists of the following components:  Retaining Wall and Storm Drain Improvement – “Bid Package A”. The work done under this component includes but is not limited to: traffic control; potholing; protection of underground utilities; survey monument and utility cover adjustments; tree removals; stump grinding; removal and replacement of retaining wall asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, sidewalk, and curb & gutter; retaining wall crack sealing; storm drain maintenance hole removal and replacement; removal and replacement of metal fence; removal and replacement of guardrails; pavement marker placement; and roadway sign installation.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Terrence Salonga

  40. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement Project. The project reference number is 24-11619-C with a bid deadline on 10/24/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 4300000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Scope of Work: The work to be done consists of, but is not limited to: a) Point (spot) repairs of sanitary sewer line at various location. This work requires coordination with City and private property owners b) CIPP lining (Method “A”) of approximately 873 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains. c) Pipe-bursting (Method “B”) of approximately 3,814 linear feet of 6 to 12-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains. d) Traditional Open-trench (Method “C”) replacement of approximately 453 linear feet of 6 to 12-inch diameter sanitary sewer mains. e) Slip lining of approximately 183 linear feet of 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer main f) Construction and rehabilitation of maintenance holes, including excavation and related work.

    For questions about the project you can contact

  41. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Berkeley Fire Station Landscape Project. The project reference number is 24-11622-C with a bid deadline on 10/26/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    SCOPE OF SERVICES The Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, tools, equipment, transportation, insurance, and other equipment and apparatus to perform all work. The project to be performed is a complete landscape demolition and installation of a model fire safe garden around Fire Station #4 in Berkeley, California. Note that full project plans are included as Attachment J. Work to be performed includes but is not limited to: Removal of current landscape & materials Tree removal, stump grinding, pruning of existing trees, root pruning Landscape preparation including earthworks, plumbing and electrical Purchase and installation of plants and other features called out in the design Installation of a new irrigation system by a licensed irrigator (provide evidence of such licensure) . Grading, backfilling

    For questions about the project you can contact

  42. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, XL Construction Corp, Project Number 4668. The project reference number is 4668 with a bid deadline on 10/03/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 0. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the NIB. Summary:

    The project consists of a new building, it is an instructional as well as administrative facility consisting of 59,561 gross square feet and 6 stories. We are seeking bids for the following scopes of work: Core and Site Trades: Elevators, Earthwork and Grading, Deep Piers and Shoring, Surveying, Site Utilities, Site Concrete, Topping Slab and Concrete Polishing, Structural Concrete, Misc. Metals, Roofing, Waterproofing, Flashing, Masonry, Landscaping, Fencing

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Kristina Lee

  43. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Corp Yard City Fleet EV Charger Project. The project reference number is 23-11546-C with a bid deadline on 10/05/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 850000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Site and electrical upgrades for the installation of City fleet EV chargers, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 98 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run.

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Uriel Gonzalez, 510.981.6627

  44. The Berkeley City is seeking qualified bids for the project, Central Library HVAC Replacement. The project reference number is 23-11600-C with a bid deadline on 10/10/2023. Located in n-San Francisco / Marin / San Mateo / Contra Costa / Alameda county, the project has an estimated budget of 700000. Sign up with BidAmerica to access complete project details, including the Plans & Specs. Summary:

    Project Description: Removal and replacement of roof-top mechanical equipment and associated electrical upgrades, including ancillary work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Work shall be completed within 90 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run

    For questions about the project you can contact

    Titus Chen (510) 981-6410