C0700 – FOCP Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project (Pre-Qualification)
Scope of Services The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has jurisdiction over Anderson Dam and its associated safety measures. Pursuant to FERC’s authority, for public health and safety reasons, on February 20, 2020, Valley Water received an Order from FERC to reduce risks to public safety by implementing risk reduction measures for dam operation and design. Valley Water is implementing the Coyote Creek Flood Management Measures Project (CCFMMP, Project A) in response to the FERC Order. The flood risk-reduction elements constructed as part of Project A currently in construction will reduce the risk of flooding in urbanized areas of San Jose resulting from the water releases from Anderson Dam subsequent to completion of the Anderson Dam Tunnel Project (ADTP). The flood risk-reduction elements constructed as part of Project A are located in areas flooded during the 20-year flood event that occurred in 2017. Valley Water is also implementing the Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project (CCFPP, Project B) to construct the remaining Coyote Creek flood protection elements within the same geographic area necessary to reduce floods up to the level that occurred on February 21, 2017, equivalent to approximately a 20-year flood event. This project prequalification application is for the CCFPP project.
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