PROJECT DESCRIPTION The existing Tanner Water Treatment Plant (WTP) does not have sufficient backwash capacity (storage, recycling, pumping and sludge processing and disposal, etc.) to meet the needs of the existing customers and commitments, nor can the WTP reliably meet the permitted WTP capacity of approximately 6 MGD with the existing backwash handling and recycling facilities. The Tanner Backwash Drying Beds (TAN 1A.11) Project, as described in the Capacity Study, proposes to provide for reliable backwash recycling, treatment and disposal needs, with the largest unit out of service, and address the backwash capacity restrictions at the Tanner WTP, per AWA & State requirements, standards and recommendations at the reliable and permitted capacity of the water treatment plant. This Project proposes to install backwash drying beds, or alternative dewatering and disposal methods, at the Tanner water treatment plant site for a zero discharge plant, along with all ancillary items, such as access improvements, site improvements, civil improvements, pipeline installation, relocation work, geotechnical, surveying, pipelines, fencing, security improvements, etc., along with SCADA, electrical, controls, instrumentation, communication, process & integration upgrades, among other standard items should be included.