Scope of ServicesThe City of Sacramento Department of Utilities, herein after “City”, is inviting professional engineering consultants to submit their proposals for the engineering design and project coordination services of the 72-inch Force Main Rehabilitation from South Land Park Drive to the City of Sacramento’s Combined Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWTP) located at 1395 35th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95822-2911. The 72-inch force main is owned by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, herein after “SacSewer”, and operated and maintained by the City. Coordination with both agencies will be required for the success of the project, however, the City will be the primary contact throughout the duration of the project. Services include (but are not limited to) design engineering; utility identification and coordination; public outreach; construction plans; specifications; cost estimate; bidding and construction support. All bid details are contained in the RFP document and attached Appendices. If you have any questions on the aspects of this proposal, they should be directed via the City of Sacramento’s online bid portal per the instructions and deadlines outlined in the RFP.